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The Ministry of Religion is a Gift for NU, Not General Muslims

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Minister of Religion Ruby Cholil Qoumas state Ministry of Religion (Ministry of Religion) is a gift for Nahdlatul Ulama (NOT), not Muslims in general.

This was revealed by Yaqut in the Webinar agenda held by RMI-PBNU which was uploaded by the TVNU YouTube channel on Wednesday (20/10).

Initially, Yaqut said that there was a small debate within the Ministry of Religion regarding the origins of the Ministry of Religion’s establishment. The debate occurred because Yaqut planned to replace the Ministry of Religion’s slogan, namely ‘Ikhlas Charity’.

“There is a small debate in the ministry when discussing the Ministry of Religion. I want to change it tagline or the Ministry of Religion logo. Tagline Kemenag is sincerely charitable. I don’t think there is any sincerity in it. Sincerity is in the heart. Nothing sincerely written. Sincere charity is not appropriate, “said Yaqut at the event.

However, he said that the debate then led to the origin of the establishment of the Ministry of Religion. He told that there were Ministry of Religion staff who said that the Ministry of Religion was formed as a gift for Muslims.

Yaqut then denied this. For him, the Ministry of Religion is a gift to NU. So it is natural that NU has taken advantage of the many opportunities at the Ministry of Religion to date.

“I deny it. The Ministry of Religion is a gift for NU, not Muslims in general. But it is specific to NU. I think it is natural that NU is now taking advantage of many opportunities at the Ministry of Religion because the gift is for NU,” said Yaqut.

Yaqut then explained historically about the establishment of the Ministry of Religion. The Ministry of Religion, he said, emerged because of the deletion of seven words in the Jakarta Charter.

The seven words are ‘Divinity with the Obligation to Implement Islamic Shari’a for its adherents’. For him, NU figures at that time had an important role as peacemakers after the seven words were removed from the Jakarta Charter.

“Why is that? The Ministry of Religion emerged because of the deletion of 7 words in the Jakarta charter. The one who proposed being a peacemaker for the deletion was Ms. Wahab Chasbullah. Then the Ministry of Religion was born because of that,” said Yaqut

“Well, it’s only natural that we ask the Director General of Islamic Boarding Schools and we have a lot of affirmations of Islamic boarding schools and NU Jamiyah students. I think it’s normal. There’s nothing wrong,” he added.

Furthermore, Yaqut said there were those who protested his statement. Because the Ministry of Religion also makes affirmations for Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Answering that, Yaqut emphasized that the large NU congregation still wants to protect all the small ones.

“Eh, NU is big and the congregation is big. The physical body is big. Big people protect the small ones. NU wants to protect the small ones,” he said.

“Now if the Ministry of Religion becomes the ministry of all religions, it does not eliminate NU. But instead emphasizes NU. NU is known to be tolerant and moderate. I don’t think there is anything wrong,” added Yaqut.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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