Home » today » Health » The Ministry of Public Health will apply COVID-19 detection tests to the Members of the Vote Receiving Boards – Ministry of Public Health

The Ministry of Public Health will apply COVID-19 detection tests to the Members of the Vote Receiving Boards – Ministry of Public Health

Quito, January 31, 2021

Starting this Tuesday 2 and until Friday February 5, 2021, the National Government, through the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), will begin the process of applying rapid antigen tests for detection of COVID-19, to citizens who will participate as Members of the Voting Receiving Boards (MJRV), in the 2021 General Elections, which will take place next Sunday, February 7. The National Committee for Emergency Operations (COE) invites all MJRVs to be tested for their safety and that of the voters.

The president of the National COE, Juan Zapata, pointed out that there are emergency and contingency operational plans in place for all the institutions that make up this instance, especially the MSP, the Ministry of Education, the Armed Forces, the National Police, the ECU 911 and the National Secretariat for Risk and Emergency Management (SNGRE), so that the elections are carried out with all security measures. “In coordination with the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the 221 cantons nationwide, I can tell the country that we are absolutely ready for this democratic feast of February 7”, He declared.

The tests for detection of COVID-19 will be carried out from 08:00 to 17:00, in the health centers of the MSP throughout the country and will be completely free. MJRVs must go to the health facility closest to their home, carrying their identity document and the appointment of the National Electoral Council (CNE), which indicates that they are a member of a Vote Receiving Board. The members of the JRV who must appear on the day of the elections in another city / province, can approach the health unit closest to their work or home to take the test. Starting tomorrow, the establishments and times for taking tests will be available on the website of the Ministry of Health (www.salud.gob.ec).

Those who give a positive result in the rapid antigen test will not be able to participate in electoral day, as they will be considered confirmed cases with COVID-19 and must comply with home isolation for at least 10 days, as established in the guidelines for the management of the pandemic.

According to the provisions of the National Electoral Council (CNE), this test is not mandatory. However, the Ministry of Health – as the institution responsible for exercising health surveillance and control and with the purpose of ensuring the health of citizens – makes its professional contingent available to the MJRV so that they can come to be tested for voluntary way.

To fulfill this purpose, Esteban Arce, National Director of Epidemiological Surveillance of the MSP, indicated that the entity has acquired 280,000 tests that will be distributed in the health units of first level of attention. Each establishment will be a sampling point and will have an adequate physical space and professionals trained for this process.

The National Government, through the MSP, guarantees access to health services for each citizen who is part of the Vote Receiving Boards throughout the national territory, with the aim of containing the spread of the virus and protecting the health of Ecuadorians.

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