Dr. Supattra said that the Ministry of Public Health has announced the 2025 policy to keep Thai people away from chronic non-communicable diseases or NCDs to keep Thai people away from diseases and health risks. Support and promote health in all dimensions and lifestyles To reduce health problems Reduce non-communicable diseases, more importantly, push the concept of lifestyle medicine and holistic health into action along with the development of legal measures to control and guide to facilitate and promote health Ministry of Public Health Policy driving activities are recorded. Thai people stay away from chronic diseases. Support the use of the “Good NCDs with the Village Health Volunteer Mechanism” approach to develop the capacity of village health volunteers or Village Health Volunteers to have knowledge, understanding and operational guidance. Effective prevention and control of NCDs Able to create health knowledge about NCDs for the people. and support for first aid bags for home visits with medical care items and equipment for all municipal health volunteers to use in the performance of their duties In the fight against chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the policies of the Ministry of Public Health can be directed. Achieving public health goals Reloading Good health at all ages The economy is healthy and strong for the Thai people.
2024-11-11 08:37:00
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