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The Ministry of Public Health has confirmed no epidemic in 7 provinces where the patients were found.

11 December 2020


The Ministry of Public Health said there was no epidemic in 7 provinces where Tachileik cases were found. Can organize activities / travel Come back without detention

Today (11 December 2020) at the news conference center on the coronavirus disease 2019, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi Province, Dr. Taweesil Wissanu Yothin, a spokesman for the COVID 19 Situation Management Center (CRC), along with Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General, Department of Disease Control And the state doctor Phitthayawong-anon Director of Strategy and Planning Division, Department of Disease Control gave a press release on the situation of COVID 19

Thaweesil Wissanu Yothin, MD, spokesman for the COVID 19 Situation Center (FRC), said that 11 December 11 new cases of COVID 19 were recovered, resulting in The cumulative total of 4,180 cases were 2,462 domestic infections, 1,718 arrived from overseas, 1,192 entered quarantine facilities, 3,903 cumulative cases, 217 hospitalizations and 60 cumulative deaths. Arriving from abroad and undergoing systemic quarantine: 3 Myanmar, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, 2 each, South Korea, Sweden, the United States and Portugal, one each, 8 Thai and 3 foreigners, all admitted. Systematically maintained In which there were 6 asymptomatic infections, 5 were infected with symptoms, mostly with fever, runny nose, headache and sore throat.

For three new cases from Myanmar who were in a state-provided detention facility after returning from Tachileik Province. Causing COVID 19 patients related to Tachilek Province Myanmar is a total of 49, divided into illegal natural routes, 17 entering the state-designated quarantine (Local Quarantine) 30, and 2 infected in the country spread in Chiang Mai Province 5 1 case Chiang Rai, 1 case of Phayao, Bangkok 3 cases, 1 case of Phichit, 1 case of Ratchaburi and 1 case of Singburi

While the global number of COVID-19 cases has accumulated a total of 70.7 million, there are 676,000 new cases, 106,710 severe cases, 0.2 percent, 1.58 million deaths, an additional 1.2 billion deaths, which is 2.2 percent. Considered to have continued to increase The top five countries with the highest number of infections were the United States, 16 million, India 9.79 million, Brazil 6.78 million, Russia 2.56 million and France 2.33 million. Japan and Myanmar, especially Myanmar, had 1,321 new cases, a cumulative total of 104,487, and Malaysia had 2,234 new cases, 78,499 cumulative cases, and therefore required intensive border surveillance.

Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said the situation of COVID-19 cases from Tachileik Province. Myanmar Can now be controlled From examination of high-risk people Low-risk exposure And proactive screening in the area of ​​more than 7 thousand people was negative, with only 2 infections already in the care. And infected people who had been found in 7 provinces, including Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Phayao, Phichit, Ratchaburi and Singburi, had mobilized cooperation from various agencies to control and monitor the contacts quickly Resulting in no widespread outbreak Considered to be as safe as other provinces, therefore, ask for cooperation in the private sector to understand that Those returning from these provinces need not be detained. In the case of a Thai man smuggled into the country through Mae Sot District, Tak Province, traveling by van to Mae Sot – Mukdahan Province to Nakhon Phanom Province, there was an abnormality found. Making it possible to control this person When testing for infection, the result is negative. There is no known infection. And following close contacts. However, success in disease control And follow up who touches Caused by the cooperation of all sectors and people When we join together like this Country will be safe People can go on vacation and travel.

For the long weekend Various festivals can be held since no prefecture has an epidemic area. Emphasize cooperation for organizers to implement disease prevention measures There is a screening point for measuring fever Thai registration wins Provide protective equipment such as a mask, hand sanitiser, alcohol gel. There are separate activities to avoid excessive contamination. Areas that are at risk of infection, such as bathrooms, need to be cleaned frequently. Food and beverage sales area Traders are required to wear masks at all times and keep their distance. Or in front of the stage, be careful not to get too close to crowded For exhibitors to wear masks all the time. Except when eating, washing hands, registering Thai wins After returning from tourism, I have symptoms of discomfort, fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, can’t smell, tongue doesn’t taste, ask to go to a medical facility and report history. Various operators To follow the measures as well If not follow it will alert If not renovated, the location will be closed. And asked the public to help them watch out If you do this, everyone will have a happy festival.

Dr. Opas said that Cases of medical workers infected with COVID 19 during March-May Found infected with 108 people, but when the disease was known better. As a result, after May, there were no more infectious medical personnel found until one person was infected from their duties at the Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) and were brought together by their fellow personnel. Which is not caught from work It is an addiction from our daily life together. Therefore, strict measures must be put on protective equipment Rehearsal of removing the equipment as more standard Not yet requiring medical personnel to work in the hospital without coming out. This time should encourage work.

Dr. Chakrarat Phitthayawong-anon The director of the Department of Disease Control Strategy and Planning said there are currently only six medical personnel infected with COVID 19, with 31 high-risk people in private hospitals tested for the first infection on December 5, negative results. The second infection was tested for 30 negative cases. One case was infected with the 6th patient. The third infection will be further tested. Government hospital job interview room And family members Yields all negative results Samples have been collected. The results are expected to be released on December 12-13, while 888 low-risk exposure cases are negative, while the first case of 10-15 minutes traveling by the MRT and BTS is wearing a mask. All the time And no talking Considered a low risk, so wearing a mask while traveling on public transport Will help protect yourself and reduce your risk

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