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The Ministry of Municipal Affairs intervenes in Pointe-Lebel

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH) intervenes to improve the functioning of the municipality of Pointe-Lebel, mainly in administrative and financial matters, but also politically. However, there is no question of a guardianship, which Mayor René Labrosse continues to demand.

The elected official has received confirmation that the MAMH has appointed Guylaine Tremblay, financial recovery coordinator at the Municipal Support and Finance Department, to support Pointe-Lebel and propose possible solutions regarding its financial situation.

In a letter dated March 30, Deputy Minister Frédéric Guay explains that he is coming to this decision following requests for intervention sent by Mr. Labrosse to Minister Andrée Laforest.

The ministry goes further by asking the Commission municipale du Québec (CMQ) to appoint an observer to verify the situation that prevails within the municipal council, particularly with regard to respect for laws in the municipal world.

Administrative judge at the CMQ, Me Sylvie Périard inherited the mandate. “She will inquire about the situation very quickly. She will make a diagnosis of the situation observed, ”underlines the spokesperson for the organization, Isabelle Rioval, who is unaware of the necessary delay. “We will give him time to arrive, to soak up the situation in Pointe-Lebel”. This diagnosis should include, if necessary, recommendations on appropriate interventions.

Ms. Rioval insisted on the complementarity between the work of the CMQ in Pointe-Lebel and that of the MAMH in terms of administration and finance.


Despite everything, René Labrosse says he is dissatisfied. His repeated requests for the imposition of guardianship, even temporary, have not been accepted. “In my book, it doesn’t solve any problems. »

He compares the ministry’s interventions to “a little slap on the wrist for breaking the rules”. He adds that “it is not appropriate and it is a waste of time”.

Whoever was elected at the end of November 2021 assures that he will not let go. Guardianship, he says, is his hobbyhorse and he will continue to demand it.

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