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The Ministry of Manpower Receives 1,277 Reports related to Unpaid THR, the Most in DKI Jakarta

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Ministry of Manpower (Ministry of Manpower) has received a complaint regarding the 2022 Religious Holiday Allowance (THR) at the THR Command Post that was formed. As of April 29, there were 5,148 reports received consisting of 2,746 (53 percent) online complaints and 2,402 (47 percent) online consultations.

“So until April 29 at 19.00 WIB, the number of consultations and complaints that have entered the THR 2022 Command Post is 5,148 reports,” said Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower, Anwar Sanusi in a written statement, Saturday (4/30/2022).

Anwar said, from the THR consultation reports for all provinces throughout Indonesia, which amounted to 2,402, his party had responded or completed 1,620 reports and the remaining 782 reports were still in the process of being completed.

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“The consultation report is still in process, we will definitely complete it 100 percent,” he said.

Meanwhile, of the 2,746 complaints submitted to the 2022 THR Command Post, 1,549 companies were reported. The issues that were complained of were 1,277 THR reports that were not paid from 728 companies, 1,140 THR did not comply with the provisions of 635 companies and 338 THR late payments came from 186 companies.

“Of these, 41 reports have been followed up and 1,508 are in process. A total of 33 reports have been included in the report on the results of the performance inspection and 8 reports have been included in the Audit Note I,” he explained.

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DKI Jakarta the most

From the results of the virtual recapitulation of the THR Command Post, DKI Jakarta Province has the most reports in the number of consultation reports and complaints as many as 582 reports. Followed by West Java (486), East Java (240), and Central Java (173).

Meanwhile, North Kalimantan is listed as the province that has the least number of THR consultation reports, namely 1 report.

Regarding quantity THR complaint, again DKI Jakarta occupies the highest position, as many as 876 reports were received. Then followed by West Java (577), Banten (302), and East Java (262).

Of the 876 reports, DKI Jakarta is the province with the highest number of complaints, namely complaints about THR not being paid as many as 387 reports, THR not in accordance with the provisions of 357 reports and THR being late in paying as many as 132 reports.

Meanwhile, the province with the lowest number of complaints is Papua with 1 report.

In accordance with Article 79 of Government Regulation (PP) Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages, there are sanctions in stages given to entrepreneurs who do not pay THR or pay THR but do not comply with the provisions.

“Starting from written warnings, restrictions on business activities, temporary suspension of part or all of production equipment, to freezing of business activities,” he stressed.

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