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The Ministry of Health wants to buy an LED wall for HALF MILLION PLN

Even children know today that there are several, maybe even several, difficult months ahead of us. The coronavirus pandemic and attempts to contain it, relying heavily on freezing social and economic life, do not bode well for household budgets, much less a national budget. In this situation most people start planning their expenses carefullyand for the near future.

Meanwhile, as Wirtualna Polska found out, the Ministry of Health has just announced tender for the purchase of … a new LED wall. The ministry has prepared for this purpose 450 thousand zlotys.

LED wall, a huge screen made of modules, is to be used by the ministry during press conferences, where presentations related to the pandemic are shown. The expenditure of almost half a million zlotys is criticized by the opposition, which believes that at a time when hospitals are any day ventilators may be lacking, and many facilities report that there is a lack of staff and even oxygen for patients, is a step – to speak with caution – ill-considered.

Beds and respirators are missing. The LED screen is the last thing needed in the middle of a pandemic – thunder members of the opposition.

The Ministry of Health announced a tender for the purchase of the LED wall in mid-October. The offers were opened on November 3. Four companies applied for the tender, the most expensive offer amounts to 512 thousand. PLN, and the cheapest at 219 thousand. The announced tender includes the exact specification of the equipment to be purchased.


Laboratories are on the verge of performance. “There is a shortage of various reagents on the market”

The video wall is to be made in the modern LED SMD1010 technology. The equipment is to be a maximum of 3650 mm wide, 2200 mm high and 85 mm deep. The minimum image resolution is 1920 x 1080 pixels (16: 9) – we read.

The health department has precisely defined expectations towards the wall:

LED video wall It has been aesthetically finished with an aluminum frame surrounding itwhich will contain all additional connected onesa -&nbspczytamy w&nbspdokumentach.


The ministry explains that buying a wall is more profitable than renting it, because the screen will serve the ministry for several years. This does not convince the opposition, which is strongly opposed to spending a public penny on gadgets in a pandemic. MEPs indicate what the priorities are.

It’s just amazing. Beds, respirators, and even the necessary oxygen are missing. The Seym divides medics, granting covid allowances only to a few. ANDthe Ministry of Health either awards several dozen thousand prizes to those responsible for scandalous purchases, or spends money on luxury. An LED screen for nearly half a million is the last thing needed in the middle of a pandemic. That’s the value of ten respirators that can save lives – says a member of the Civic Coalition, Michał Szczerba and adds that it will request the suspension of purchases not related to the fight against COVID.

Do you think the ministry’s press conferences will be better viewed now?



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