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The Ministry of Health told how many elderly people in Ukraine were vaccinated against COVID-19

At least 25% of the elderly in Ukraine received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Old people are a priority population group for the Ministry of Health in terms of vaccination against COVID-19.

How the Ministry of Health responded to the request TSN, presently vaccinated about a quarter of the elderly population of the country or 2.25 million people aged 60+. Of these, two doses of the drug injected 20%.

The department noted that the vaccination coverage of this category of citizens is constantly growing, and even residents of small settlements where there are no stationary medical institutions have the opportunity to get vaccinated. As an example, the Ministry of Health spoke about the work of teams in Ukrposhta departments, where vaccinations against coronavirus disease are also carried out, primarily for the elderly.

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The Ministry of Health clarified that from 18 to 24 October 2021 in Ukraine with COVID-19 was 33,551 patients were hospitalized, of which 31,493, or 94%, were not vaccinated against coronavirus.

At the same time, in the department notedthat over the past day, 291,985 vaccinations against COVID-19 were made in Ukraine – a record since the start of the vaccination campaign. The first dose of the vaccine was received by 212,684 people, the second dose – by 79,301 people (the first dose is 2.7 times more than the second).

You can make an appointment for vaccination against COVID-19 today with your family doctor or by calling the contact center of the Ministry of Health 0-800-602-019. You can find out more about vaccination on the website vaccination.covid19.gov.ua.

as reported OBOZREVATEL, the specialist explained, who needs a third coronavirus vaccine.

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