lead me Ministry of Health The public sent a letter to all health affairs directorates and medical departments in the comprehensive health insurance system, including important guidelines for early preparation for any unusual health events and follow-up conditions the epidemiology of the disease. Brown trout .
The letter said: Within the framework of the vision of the Ministry of Health and the People to prepare early for any unusual health events and follow up on the epidemiological situation of diseases in the countries of the world through what is published on the World Health Organization website and other relevant health websites, and refers to the warnings that the Public Health Organization circulates around the world regarding disease surveillance Brown trout (Monkey Pox) in several countries.
The letter said that guidelines for the Arab Republic of Egypt have been prepared for dealing with motley, including the protective measures that need to be taken and procedures for dealing with any issues.
The speech said: So far, there are no special measures regarding the disease, and there are no local cases of disease, and the epidemiological situation of the disease is evaluated from time to time according to a study evaluating risks and the epidemiological situation of the disease globally, regionally, and locally.
The Ministry of Health and Population continued: The risk assessment is at a local level (low), indicating that the instructions for dealing with mosaics must be distributed to all technical departments related to the organization -management and hospitals within the government, general hospitals, main hospitals, fever hospitals, special hospitals, and Health Insurance Authority hospitals Hospitals of the therapeutic institution, Secretariat hospitals Special Medical Centers, teaching hospitals,
Healthcare Authority Hospitals – University Hospitals).
She continued: The definition of the case is distributed in health facilities and the suspected disease is monitored and confirmed cases are also treated in the main fever hospital in the government, in addition to raising the awareness of the medical team in all hospitals regarding the disease. disease (case definition, transmission mechanisms).
She said: All health facilities must be stressed on the need to adhere to infection control procedures, and when a case of smallpox is suspected, the case should be isolated according to the guidelines that are attached (isolation in hospital or at home, with immediate reporting. if there is a suspicion of a case of disease that corresponds to the definition of the case).
The Ministry of Health indicated that samples must be obtained only for suspected cases related to them, and the case must be interpreted only according to what is said in the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of smallpox. peat, and those who have been in contact. with the suspected case, which may be confirmed and must be continued with continuous health for a period of 3 weeks.
The Ministry of Health and Population explained that a suspected case of monkeypox is anyone of any age who has a skin rash without an unknown cause, with one or more of the following symptoms:
High temperature up to 38.5 degrees.
Swelling of the lymph nodes.
Body or muscle pain, back pain.
General weakness.
It is worth noting that the M Pox virus, formerly known as Brown troutIt is spread through close contact, mainly through direct exposure to the rash, contaminated clothing or linen, or through respiratory droplets from the infected person usually resulting in the appearance of a skin rash. soreness and formation of blisters on the surface of the disease. the palm of the hand.
2024-08-25 03:00:00
#Ministry #Health #sends #health #departments #Republic #instructions #detection #treatment #smallpox.. #confirms #cases #disease #Egypt.. #special #measures #relation #disease