Home » today » Health » The Ministry of Health reveals the epidemiological situation of smallpox … two types of the virus and the most virulent Central Africa … geographical expansion of the virus in the months of July and August … and the samples needed to detect confirmed cases

The Ministry of Health reveals the epidemiological situation of smallpox … two types of the virus and the most virulent Central Africa … geographical expansion of the virus in the months of July and August … and the samples needed to detect confirmed cases

show up Ministry of Health and Population On developments in the epidemiological situation of the disease Brown trout She confirmed that no cases have been found locally so far or even suspected, especially those coming from abroad, confirming the tightening of quarantine procedures at airports and ports.

She said Ministry of Health And population: The virus that causes smallpox consists of an envelope containing a double-stranded genetic DNA and belongs to the genus Orthopoxvirus of the family Poxviridae to which the virus that causes smallpox belongs, which it was eradicated from the world in 1980. Smallpox still appears in occasional cases in some areas of central West Africa near tropical rainforests

The Ministry of Health continued: There are two strains of the virus, the first is the Central African or Congo River Basin strain, which is more common and more dangerous with a mortality rate of 10%, and West Africa is the second strain. strain, which is less severe and has a mortality rate of less than 1%.

The Ministry of Health and Population said: A virus has been detected Brown trout The first time was in 1958 while they were studying a disease similar to smallpox among monkeys. living in an area from which smallpox was eradicated in 1968.

She said: Most of the cases were found in rural areas of the rainforests located in the Congo River Basin and West Africa in the period from May 2022 to date, and our out global in countries where the virus is not endemic, as the number of cases. reached worldwide (starting from January 2022 to June 30, 2024).

She continued: In the month of June 2024, 934 new laboratory-confirmed cases, including 4 deaths, were reported from 26 countries (including 567 cases from African, representing 61%).

During the month of June 2024, there was an increase in the number of cases in 16 countries compared to the month of May 2024, where the Democratic Republic of Congo recorded the highest increase in the African region (543 cases compared to 459 case), and Spain recorded the highest increase in the European region (54 cases compared to 38 cases). 64) cases compared to 33 cases No increase was recorded in the Southeast Asia region, and the Eastern Mediterranean region has not reported any cases since October 2023

Regarding the epidemiological situation in the African region in the months of July and August 2024, she said: There was a geographical expansion of the virus in the months of July and August 2024, as four countries gave new in Africa report 61 cases in Burundi, Kenya one case, Rwanda 4 cases, Uganda two cases, and these are countries that have not registered any diseases before All reported cases are from the first strain, and Côte d’Ivoire reported an outbreak (6 cases of the second strain), and South. Africa reported 22 confirmed cases, including 3 deaths, with a death rate of 7%, which is much higher than the global rate, which reached 0.2% until the end of May (2024

She said: As a result of these recent developments and the dangers of extending the spread of the virus to the African continent and the world, the World Health Organization announced on 14 August 2024 that the current outbreak of smallpox representing the public. a health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), because the period of symptoms is divided into two phases: the initial period Disease and attack on the immune system, which leads to high temperature, headache , swollen lymph nodes, pain in the back and muscles, and severe weakness, which may last for 5 days.

The second period is the period when the rash appears and it usually occurs one to three days after developing a fever, depending on the immune status of the person with the infection of the extremities, mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, and genitals.

She continued: The number of ulcers varies from a few ulcers to several thousand in severe cases, and the ulcers can accumulate until large parts of the skin disappear, and the rash spreads there. 95% of cases on the face, 75% on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, and 70% on the mucous membrane of the mouth, 30% on the genitals and 20% on the conjunctiva and cornea

Regarding the samples needed to diagnose the disease, she said: We need a swab of skin ulcers, the surface of the ulcer and / or secretions from water droplets (from more than one ulcer site on the body or ulcer crusts, which ‘ take care Swab the ulcer vigorously to ensure that a sufficient sample of the virus is collected if present and placed in a medium for transfer of the sample It is best to take an oral and pharyngeal swab, a collect, process and store safely.

Cases that meet the definition of the case must be reported immediately to the director of the hospital, the Directorate of Health Affairs, and the Prevention Room at the Ministry of Health (and include information about the source of the report , demographic data, and the symptoms the person is suffering from and the date of appearance It also includes the key information that needs to be collected from During the model, a study of risk factors and previous exposures, such as contact with possible or confirmed cases, as well as travel history to countries where the disease is endemic or where cases have recently appeared

A committee of dermatologists and fever experts has been established to confirm the suspected case and communicate immediately with the Ministry for coordination before collecting samples.

2024-08-26 13:00:00

#Ministry #Health #reveals #epidemiological #situation #smallpox #types #virus #virulent #Central #Africa #geographical #expansion #virus #months #July #August #samples #needed #detect #confirmed #cases

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