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The Ministry of Health Reveals the Cause of Many Isoman Patients Died

There are several factors behind the number of isoman patients dying at home.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) revealed that there were several factors behind the positive cases Covid-19 who died while undergoing self-isolation (isoman) at home. One of them is the full availability of health service facilities (fasyankes).

“Especially because of the critical condition that occurs very quickly in Covid-19 patients,” said the Director of Prevention and Control of Directly Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, when contacted Republika.co.id, Friday (9/7).

Nadia explained, many people who were positive for Covid-19 could not get treatment at the health facilities because they were full. Residents had to queue long and finally chose to undergo isolation and do their own treatment at home.

To overcome this problem, Nadia said, services at community health centers (puskesmas) through a task force have been assigned to monitor isoman patients. People who are positive for Covid-19 will also get medicine.

In addition, there is now a digital health service telemedicine, although only DKI Jakarta has implemented it. Nadia said this service will gradually be implemented in other areas.

West Java (Jabar), for example, also already has services telemedicine and manage it. The next effort is to strengthen coordination with the RT/RW task force to coordinate with the puskesmas in monitoring isoman residents.

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