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The Ministry of Health explains how the COVID amnesty will work

Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The Ministry of Health reported on the mechanism of covid-amnesty

The Ministry of Health has sent its proposals for a COVID amnesty to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Health has developed a so-called “covid amnesty” mechanism for those who bought a fake coronavirus vaccination certificate. This was announced on Monday, November 8, by Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko on the air of a talk show. Freedom of speech on ICTV.

According to the minister, in order to get a coronavirus vaccine, the owner of a fake COVID certificate will have to tell his family doctor where he acquired the fake document.

“We are talking specifically about those who bought and use a fake certificate. So that they come to their family doctor, report the fake certificate, tell them where they got it. They will be vaccinated, and the family doctor will inform the National Police about the contacts of the one who issued the fake one. document so that further the case is considered in court, “- explained the procedure Lyashko.

The head of the Ministry of Health noted that now the options for using the “covid amnesty” are in the process of being developed, but the option proposed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice does not provide for anonymity.

Recall that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is considering the possibility of the introduction of the so-called “covid amnesty”, which provides that citizens will be given the opportunity to undergo COVID vaccination, even if they previously bought a fake certificate.

Earlier it was reported that in Ukraine will tighten the punishment for counterfeiting COVID documents.

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