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The Ministry of Health clarified data on the incubation period of coronavirus

MOSCOW, April 16 – RIA News. The incubation period of coronavirus infection can be more than 14 days, follows from the presentation to the speech of the chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health Elena Malinnikova at the online meeting of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the press center of the MIA “Russia Today”.–

So, longer periods of the incubation period of the coronavirus can be when transferring it from animals.

About the same in conversation with RT said the doctor of biological sciences, professor of Moscow State University Olga Karpova. According to her, the severity of the infection depends on the method of infection. For example, you can get a virus that has passed through several people and as a result has weakened. And you can – directly from the peddlers, in particular from the bat.–

The virologist noted that a total of 39 coronaviruses are known, some of which circulate safely in the human population, while others can infect humans.

Scientists from the University of California said earlier that SARS-CoV-2 mutates eight to ten times slower than influenza viruses. This, according to the researchers, suggests that the symptoms and severity of the course of the disease do not depend on the strain, and the differences in the course of the disease in different patients are related to the difference in the general state of health and the state of the immune system, therefore the “soft version” of coronavirus is most likely , does not exist.

To date, about 28 thousand infected have been identified in Russia, more than 2300 patients have been cured, 232 have died.

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