Home » today » World » The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is rectified: it says that it did request Mancuso’s extradition – Government – Politics

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is rectified: it says that it did request Mancuso’s extradition – Government – Politics

Due to the controversies raised by the extradition process of the former paramilitary chief Salvatore Mancuso to Colombia, the Foreign Ministry clarified last night that it has been carrying out the corresponding procedures for it to be sent to our country.

What’s more, he revealed that there are already three extradition requests. This, after a few hours before he had indicated in a statement that he had not yet made a formal request for extradition.

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The Chancellery warned that On August 18, he received the request letter from the Ministry of Justice, from the Justice and Peace Chamber of the Superior Court of the Judicial District of Bogotá, in which it was ordered, as a matter of urgency, to present before the Government of EE. UU. the request for capture and subsequent extradition of Salvatore Mancuso Gómez.

Therefore, they submitted a request for preventive detention for extradition purposes.
“Three extradition requests have been submitted and are currently being processed. Faced with the request presented on August 20, it is clarified that extradition can be initiated in two ways: with a request for preventive detention for extradition purposes or by presenting a formal request for extradition, ”warned Alejandra Valencia, international legal director of the Foreign Ministry.

And in that sense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added that it met all the requirements for extradition.

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“On August 18, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received Official Letter MJD-OFI20-0027399-DAI-1100 of August 18, 2020, from the Ministry of Justice, through which it forwards, in turn, official letter No. 178 of August 18, 2020 from the Justice and Peace Chamber of the Superior Court of the Judicial District of Bogotá, in which it is ordered, as a matter of urgency, to submit to the Government of the United States of America the request for capture and subsequent extradition of Mr. Salvatore Mancuso Gómez ”, warned the Foreign Ministry.

Given the controversy that arose this Wednesday due to an alleged error that would have been made in the most recent extradition request, the Ministry assured that the documents were presented in English and Spanish.

“In this sense, as it is an urgent request for capture, the request for preventive detention for extradition purposes was filed with the State Department on August 20, 2020, accompanying the information and documents required (… ). These documents were presented in Spanish with their corresponding translation into English ”.

In effect, the order of the Bogotá Court – issued on August 11 – in which the request for the arrest and extradition of Mancuso is requested consists of 2,115 pages with attached documents and, by legal requirement, all must be officially translated into English , step that is still running.

Once the Ministry has the translation of all the other documents provided by the Court, the request will be formalized

(Also: Government responds to criticism for Mancuso’s extradition effort)

However, the Foreign Ministry asserted that it has not been notified of any decision of the State Department in relation to the request for detention filed on August 20.

Last Tuesday, the National Government denied that there had been “bad practices or delays” in the processing of Mancuso’s extradition request.

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