Home » today » World » The Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided on a series of measures to reduce the economic relationship between Turkey and the Palestinian Authority and Gaza

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided on a series of measures to reduce the economic relationship between Turkey and the Palestinian Authority and Gaza

The “Turkey Team” at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs met today (Friday) and decided on a series of measures to reduce the economic relationship between Turkey and the Palestinian Authority and Gaza.

Foreign Minister Katz attacked: “Erdoğan, the dictator who dreams of becoming a sultan, works in the service of Hamas, violates agreements and wants to hurt Israel, but actually hurts the Palestinians he pretends to help. We will work to reduce any economic connection between him and the PA and Gaza.”

The head of the Hamas political bureau met with Turkish President Erdogan in Istanbul // Reuters

In the discussion, it was decided to promote, in inter-ministerial cooperation, a number of significant and operative decisions as a sharp response to Erdogan’s unilateral decision to stop trade with Israel. Among the key steps that were agreed to be taken forward: action to reduce any economic relationship between Turkey, the Palestinian Authority and Gaza (Turkey is the largest importing country to the Palestinian Authority, and its total imports to the Palestinian Authority is about 18%).

International economic forums will also be approached to examine sanctions against Turkey for violating trade agreements. A broad alternatives bank will be built, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, in order to find alternatives for the Israeli economy in a variety of fields and products in the immediate term. In addition, aid will be provided to Israeli export sectors that have been affected.

The data of the message with Turkey for 2023, photo: Dodo Greenspan

Foreign Minister Katz appealed to Finance Minister Smotrich to promote an aid package for export sectors in Israel that may be harmed by the Turkish decision. Senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and senior representatives from the Ministry of Economy and the Tax Authority participated in the discussion.

Economy Minister Nir Barkat met with the Secretary General of the OECD and filed a complaint against Turkey: “Erdogan is a dictator, Europe must put limits on him in light of the violation of maritime trade laws.”

Meanwhile, Economy Minister Nir Barkat met a short time ago in Paris with the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Mathias Korman. Minister Barkat presented Korman with an official complaint against Turkey in light of its unilateral decision to stop maritime trade between the countries.

Nir Barkat (archive), photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Economy Minister Nir Barkat to the OECD Secretary General: “Erdogan is an anti-Semitic dictator who is hurting Europe as a whole with a decision that blatantly violates maritime trade laws and harms the continuity of global supply.” The stoppage of maritime trade between the countries mainly hurts European companies who will not be able to send goods from factories in Turkey to Israel.”

He went on to emphasize: “We expect the OECD to take action against Turkey due to Erdogan’s delusional decision that harms the entire European economy. Europe must put limits on the dictator Erdogan.”

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