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The Ministry of Finance encourages SRS officials and operatives to envisage the right to a retirement pension

Ministry of Finance (FM) encourages the State Revenue Service (AT) to provide for the right to a service pension for civil servants and operative employees follows from the draft law on service pensions for SRS officials submitted for approval.

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The Ministry of Finance argued that the performance of the tasks set by the SRS requires appropriate competence of officials, which includes both the knowledge and experience of officials and the mental and physical abilities of a person. “It is the preservation and provision of a person’s physical working capacity at the required level that is one of the most significant problems that the SRS faces in implementing the tasks assigned to it,” the ministry said.

In order to ensure the provision of SRS services at the required pace and quality, the MoF invites to be aware that, while performing these tasks, “an official gradually loses his / her inherent physical and psycho-emotional abilities due to work environment factors”.

The Ministry of Finance emphasized that when ensuring the fulfillment of the SRS tasks, the officials of the service perform work related to a special risk, which is characterized by increased psychological and physical load, which the SRS cannot prevent with labor protection measures.

“Occupational diseases caused by the impact of harmful factors of the work environment on the health of officials, as well as diseases caused by aging significantly affect the physical abilities required for the provision of SRS services. Physical aging of SRS officials and progressive loss of physical abilities create a risk of “SRS Tax and Customs Police Department, Internal Security Board and Customs Board, where officials are responsible for the detection and prevention of criminal offenses in the field of state taxes, fees and other mandatory payments set by the state and in the field of customs matters,” explained the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry added that due to the lack of appropriate working capacity, SRS officials will not be able to perform these duties qualitatively.

“Currently, it is becoming more and more important that due to health condition SRS officials leave their job at the age when the retirement age has not yet been reached, or officials try to prolong the service in long-term absence by registering incapacity for work. to the state social budget, at the same time denying the service the opportunity to attract new employees, “the ministry said.

The draft law developed by the Ministry of Finance provides for the right to a retirement pension for an SRS official who has been dismissed from office and has reached the age of 60 and whose work experience is not less than 30 years, of which the last ten years have been worked as an official. The draft law also proposes to provide that an official who is simultaneously entitled to several retirement pensions shall be granted only one pension of his or her choice.

At the same time, it follows from the draft law that an official who receives a pension from another state would not be entitled to a retirement pension; has been dismissed in connection with a conviction for the commission of an intentional criminal offense, regardless of the expungement or removal of the criminal record; or the official has been dismissed in connection with an appropriate disciplinary sanction.

The Ministry of Finance has calculated that in 2022, when 18 SRS officials retire, funding would be required in the amount of 222,696 euros, in 2023 for 33 SRS officials – in the amount of 392,832 euros, and in 2024 for 52 officials – in the amount of 610,896 euros.

Although the Ministry of Finance plans that the law could enter into force on January 1, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers has yet to decide on it, but the final decision must be made. Saeima.

Last year State control issued a statement that the retirement pension policy in Latvia is not in order, it does not correspond to the essence of the pension policy and is unfair to the recipients of old-age pensions. The State Audit Office estimated that the amount to be paid for retirement pensions has almost doubled in ten years and increased by 32.5 million euros.

The auditors informed that there is a retirement pension policy in Latvia, which entitles those working in several professions, such as military personnel, diplomats, prosecutors, employees of the internal affairs, state and municipal professional orchestras, choirs, concert organizations, theater and circus artists and other professions, to receive retirement. pension before the general retirement age.

“A retirement pension policy is unfair to old-age pensioners because it allows them to receive a larger pension, the amount of which does not depend on the accumulated pension capital, and allows them to continue working in a profession from which the employee has retired due to reduced work capacity and social danger. the circle has grown, however, there has been no comprehensive assessment of the professions to be included in the retirement pension system, “the SAO auditors emphasized.

The State Audit Office pointed out that the amount of state budget funds required for long-service pensions is significantly increasing from year to year. If in 2011 retirement pensions needed 45 million euros, then in 2020 they are already 77.5 million euros. Future retirement pension liabilities were estimated at € 4 billion.

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