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The Ministry of Finance apologized for Zeman

The Ministry of Finance had to apologize on behalf of the Czech Republic to replace the president, who is not prosecutable.

“Zdeněk Šarapatka was not fired by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic for incapacity, as his employment was terminated in this case on October 9, 2000 by an agreement concluded between Zdeněk Šarapatka and the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic at the initiative of Zdeněk Šarapatka,” the ministry said.

“The Czech Republic apologizes for this disgraceful statement,” the apology ends.

Zeman made a statement in 2017 on TV Barrandov.

Sharapatka’s claim for apology was confirmed by the Supreme Court, which rejected the resort’s appeal.

Sharapatka was Zeman’s adviser when the current president headed the government. He left at his own request in connection with the revelation of the Lead case. She was to discredit the then Minister of Education Petra Buzková (CSSD). The material was to be prepared by another of Zeman’s advisers, Vratislav Šíma, which Šarapatka revealed.

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