Home » today » News » The Ministry of Agriculture published instructions to farmers on how to replace the 4 percent fallow – 2024-03-15 14:32:30

The Ministry of Agriculture published instructions to farmers on how to replace the 4 percent fallow – 2024-03-15 14:32:30

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food publishes Directions for the application of the derogation from the first condition of the standard for good agricultural and ecological condition of the land DZES 8 “Minimum share of agricultural area intended for non-production areas or objects”. This follows the adoption of the EC Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/587 of 12 February 2024, granting a derogation from the standard, in response to requests from farmers at European level to ease the administrative burden and environmental requirements on the sector.

Read more:

Changes to the Strategic Plan: The production of nitrogen-fixing crops on the fallow site can be sold

According to the first requirement of DEU 8, a farm with arable land ≥ 10 ha must set aside and maintain at least 4% of the arable land for non-production areas and objects (landscape features), including land left under listen.

For 2024, farmers can meet the first requirement of the standard by setting aside at least 4% of arable land for nitrogen-fixing or catch crops, as well as non-production areas and sites, including fallow land. Plant protection products must not be applied to the areas declared with nitrogen-fixing crops. If catch crops are to be grown after harvesting the main crop, they need to be available in the field from 1 September to 1 November 2024 and no plant protection products should be applied during this period.

It is important to know that this standard only applies to arable land and that holdings under 10 ha are exempt from its obligations. Farms that have forage or nitrogen-fixing crops and/or permanent grass on more than 75% of their area, and the various combinations between them, are also exempt.

You can see more in the materials published on the website of the Ministry of Health – Guidelines and Handbook at this link: MZH

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