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The Ministry of Agriculture Approves New Standards to Promote Sustainable Nutrition of Agricultural Soils

Within the framework of the European strategy «From Farm to Table»the Council of Ministers, at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has given the green light to a new royal decree that seeks Improving the productive and environmental sustainability of agriculture in Spain. This regulation, proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, introduces New rules and simplifications in the decree on sustainable nutrition of agricultural soils of December 27, 2022, with the purpose of moving towards a more rational fertilization of crops and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural activity.

Facilitating Sustainable Soil Nutrition

One of the pillars of this reform is facilitate the implementation of key technical aspects in the management of agricultural lands. To this end, various articles of the decree have been reviewed and adjusted, focusing on the normative coherence with laws such as the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils for a Circular Economy, and other regional sectoral provisions. This regulatory harmonization seeks to ensure that the agricultural policies are effective and applicable at regional and local levels, respecting the particularities of each autonomous community.

Among the most significant modifications There are those related to the exploitation notebook and the Subscription planwhich now include incentives for the use of the digital notebook. Although this notebook will not be mandatory, its voluntary use is promoted by simplifying and digitizing the records. This digital tool will allow farmers to manage their crops more efficiently. dose determination of fertilizers, crucial for soil sustainability.

In addition, they have been introduced New provisions to reduce ammonia emissionsone of the main sources of air pollution in agriculture. The regulations also consider the use of innovative technologies that reduce the risk of leachingthus avoiding contamination of aquifers and preserving water quality.

Use of Manures and Organic Fertilizers: New Flexibilities

The new regulations also makes obligations more flexible in the use of manures, fertilizers and other organic materialsThese modifications respond to the need to adapt the rules to the reality of the market and to the criteria for safety and agronomic efficacy. A notable change is the extension of the period allowed for the manure stacking on farms, which goes from 5 to 10 days, and can be extended up to 20 days if the material is composted or digested. Also, the period for the buried in manure and other organic materials at 24 hours, providing greater operational flexibility to farmers.

These measures are part of the package of 43 actions approved by the Government in support of the agricultural sector, agreed with the main organizations in the sector, such as the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA) and the Union of Farmers and Ranchers. The objective is to improve the economic and productive situation of farmers and ranchers, who face a context of high fertilizer prices and growing environmental challenges.

Economic and Environmental Impact of Rational Fertilization

The rational fertilization of agricultural soils not only has a direct impact on the efficiency and profitability farms, but is crucial for environmental sustainability. In a context where the price of fertilizers has reached historical highs, reducing their use in an efficient way is not only an economic necessity, but also an environmental imperative.

The Government estimates that, with the implementation of these regulations, Fertilizer use could be reduced by 20% by 2025without compromising crop productivity. This reduction is consistent with the objectives of the strategy «From Farm to Table»what are you looking for minimize the environmental footprint of European agriculture and ensure long-term food security.

In addition, the use of organic fertilizers and improved manure management practices not only contribute to the sustainable fertilizationbut also improve soil structure and increase their capacity to retain water, a key aspect in regions affected by drought and climate change.

Commitment to Agricultural Sustainability

This royal decree is a further step in the Government’s commitment to the Sustainability of the Spanish agricultural sector. The approved measures are in line with European guidelines and respond to the demands of farmers, who have claimed Greater regulatory support and flexibility to meet current challenges.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has pointed out that this regulation is not an end in itself, but part of a continuous process of improvement and adaptation of agricultural policies. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the Spanish agriculture be competitive, sustainable and capable of respond to the demands of the global marketwithout losing sight of the environmental protection and the well-being of rural communities.

The implementation of these new rules will be closely monitored, and it is expected that the Government to make additional adjustments if necessary, depending on the results obtained and the evolution of market and climate conditions.

Conclusion: A Step Forward Towards Sustainability

In summary, the approval of this royal decree represents a significant advance in the national strategy for agricultural sustainability. Al facilitate more rational fertilizationimprove management practices for manure and organic fertilizers, and promote the use of technologies that reduce leaching, the Government is committed to a more sustainable agricultural model. efficient and environmentally friendly.

This approach will not only benefit the agricultural sectorbut will also contribute to the protection of natural resources and the well-being of future generations. Sustainability, as a central concept of agricultural policy, remains a priority for the Government, which seeks to Balancing productivity with environmental conservation.

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