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The ministry already informs if you meet the economic requirements

Although all students are officially on summer vacation, there are some procedures that cannot be missed during these weeks. In addition to the registration procedure, it is also important to keep an eye on the news surrounding the MEC 2024-2025 scholarship. One of the most important scholarships in our country and on which thousands of students depend to be able to study.

As in previous calls, and with the aim of speeding up the procedure, the Ministry closed the deadline for submitting applications several months ago. But now, these days, it is time to get a first response to find out whether the requirements are met or not so that the processing can continue.

The first MEC scholarship resolutions begin to reach students

As has been reported through X or TikTok, many students are seeing how they receive news about their MEC scholarship. This makes it really important that Check the status of your MEC scholarship to find out if you are already among the people who have received this prior resolution.

It should be noted that the following situations may occur with the status of your MEC scholarship:

  • Report that the economic criteria are met. This is the best case scenario, since it is estimated that you meet the financial requirements set out in the call for this scholarship. However, it does not indicate that the scholarship has been approved, since it will depend on meeting the financial requirements.
  • Notification of scholarship denial. In this case, the grant will be denied for not meeting the financial requirements, constituting a resolution proposal to which objections may be submitted within a period of 10 days from receipt.
  • Report of the need for insufficient data to determine compliance with the requirementss. Here you will have to attach the requested documentation to verify whether or not you actually meet the income requirements.

If you are in the first case, everything is fine. Now you just have to wait for the process of modifications of the academic information of the scholarship to open, such as the studies you are going to undertake or the university where you enroll. This will be the previous step so that you finally have the amount that will be deposited into the selected current account.

Check the status of the MEC 2024-2025 scholarship

As is logical, we always recommend that you check the status of the MEC 2024/2025 scholarship when accessing the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Once inside, click on My Files from among all the options that will appear to you.

Next, you will have to log in with your username and password or with the Cl@ve system. Once done, you will see all the open files and among them will be the scholarship for the 2024/2025 academic year and click on the bottom where it says Access.

Within the file in question, information about the scholarship you have applied for will appear, such as: Creation date, confirmation date and the registration code that will be essential to check the status in the autonomous communities. This is where any communications you have received about your scholarship will appear.

Over the course of these weeks, the different communications and resolution proposals are being sent progressively. That is why we recommend that you check the status in these weeks so as not to miss the different dates for objections or presentation of documentation, as they are not very extensive.

Images | Jan Vasek

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