What a circus around a ministerial reshuffle which will have occupied journalists more than the shadow armies of the cabinets of the ministers supposedly concerned! Finally, the suspense is lifted, the Elysian mass is said. Amen Republican! Anyway, we have no other choice, since our democracy seems to be looking for some imaginary people to go in the direction of the monarch, thereby forgetting the first two syllables of this word, yet shown as an example and carried as a standard wherever France was heading. Only the etymology of power remains, which phonetically brings it to a synonym of dirt… but I digress. Whatever without the people, democracy does not really do in its own way!
Finally the suspense at National Education is lifted so we change ministers and continue the waltz of labels, all the same carrying some hopes. What a relief to see Pap Ndiaye leaving this post! How have we been able to give this image to the whole world of a public education of yesteryear acclaimed internationally, copied by the best today, and dropped by successive governments to the point of naming National Education a sinister example for our youth, defending the theses of the indigenist anti-France and holding ideology as the main vector of learning?
A huge relief, should I write, to see him leave this position, because I seriously began to imagine myself having to hold speeches and carry projects in total opposition to my ideas. So goes the life of the civil servant who must change his official message according to political alternations and not according to his convictions. This is completely normal, and everyone knows it when they sign their contract and take up their duties. Despite everything, certain limits remain impassable to me, fortunately because I wish above all to recognize myself…
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2023-07-25 04:02:43
#Reshuffle #Education #hopes #great #relief