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The minister of religion regulations criminalize whistling looks with sexual overtones, what’s the size?


Regulations of the Minister of Religion the latter claim that whistles and glances of a sexual nature are punishable. What is the measure that can determine that people’s whistles and glances are whistles and glances sexual or not? The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) gave an explanation.

The regulation in question is the Regulation of the Minister of Religion (PMA) number 73 of 2022 on the treatment and prevention of sexual violence in the educational units of the Ministry of Religions. The PMA on sexual violence was signed by the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas last October 5th.

Article 5 of this MAP governs forms of sexual violence, both verbal, physical, non-physical, and through information and communication technologies. Acts classified as sexual assault are listed in paragraph 2 of the article, one of which is “whistles and looks of sexual overtones”.


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Article 5
(2) The sexual violence referred to in paragraph (1) includes:
a. Making speeches that discriminate or harass the victim’s physical appearance, physical condition and / or gender identity;
b. Provide observations that contain seductions, jokes and / or whistles that have a sexual tinge to the victim;
c. Persuade, promise, offer, threaten or coerce the victim into a sexual transaction or activity;
d. Staring at the victim with sexual and / or unpleasant feelings;
And. Intentionally peeking or seeing victims carrying out private activities and / or in private spaces;
f. Intentionally showing the genitals
g. Touch, rub, touch, hold, hug, kiss and / or rub body parts on the victim’s body;
h. Conducting attempted rape;
I. Committing rape including penetration with objects or parts of the body other than the genitals;
j. Practicing a culture of sexual violence;
K. Forcing or inducing the victim to have an abortion;
L. Allow sexual violence;
m. Giving punishments or sanctions of a sexual nature;
n. Send the victim messages, jokes, images, photos, audio and / or video with sexual undertones even if the victim has forbidden it;
or. Taking, recording, uploading, distributing photos, audio recordings and / or images of victims with sexual undertones; and / or
p. Carry out other acts of sexual violence in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

This PMA on sexual violence applies to educational units under the Ministry of Religion, including formal, non-formal and informal education, including madrasas, Islamic boarding schools and religious education units.

What is the size?

Deputy Minister of Religion, Zainut Tauhid Sa’adi explain the forms of sexual violence regulated in MAP, including verbal, non-physical, physical and technological sexual violence. So what about the whistle?

“The whistles referred to in this rulebook are whistles that have sexual overtones, including whistles that have fun overtones and also contain harassing elements that interfere with comfort,” Zainut told detik.comWednesday (10/19/2022).

The PMA has a victim perspective regarding sexual violence in the educational environment of the Ministry of Religions. Therefore, the size of a particular whistle and look is sexual in nature or not determined by the victim. The measure is the comfort of the victim. If the victim is uncomfortable, it means he is sexual in nature.

“In my opinion, sexual whistling that makes the victim uncomfortable is a certain definition. In cases of sexual assault, the victim’s perspective is important,” said Ministry of Religion spokesperson Anna Hasbie when she was contacted separately. She explained, whistling sexual overtones is equivalent to “calling cat”.

“The technical guidelines resulting from this MAP are currently in preparation,” said Anna.

See also the video: Riyadh police arrest perpetrators of harassment against ATEEZ

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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