– Also congratulates WHO on its 75th anniversary
The Minister of Health, José Manuel Miñones, considered this Friday as “priority issues” for Spain issues such as universal health coverage, as well as the “fight against” covid-19 and “other health alerts”, some of which he judged “novel” and others that, in his opinion, “have been with us for too long”, such as malaria and HIV.
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World Health Day Miñones defends universal health coverage, the pandemic and other “health alerts” as “priorities for Spain” – He also congratulates the WHO on its 75th anniversary The Minister of Health, José Manuel Miñones, considered this Friday as ” priority issues” for Spain issues such as universal health coverage, as well as the “fight against” covid-19 and “other health alerts”, some of which he judged “new” and others that, in his opinion, “have already too long with us”, such as malaria and HIV. Customer access To access most of the news, you must be a registered user. If you wish to access Servimedia news, write an email to the following address: Have you forgotten your password? Username Enter your Servimedia username. Password Type the password assigned to your username. © The content of this news belongs to the Servimedia news agency and is protected by copyright. Only Servimedia clients are allowed to use it and we ask that our agency sign or cite as a source. Thank you so much.