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The minimum wage of 2023 would come with a very big news for credit cards. this interests you

This Thursday, December 15, the national government announced the adjustment of the statutory minimum wage for the period of 2023, which It will remain at $1,160,000, not including transportation assistance.

In this same sense, there are many variables that have been studied by the government and by President Gustavo Petro, to determine the increase of the minimum in Colombia and the positive consequences that should reach the homes and homes of millions of Colombians.

Having said this, there is one concern from the Presidency and it is the decrease in the purchasing power of Colombians, seen from two variables: inflation which has hit the economy and the recently increased rate of usury, two aggravating factors which together make make the money less and that the products or items are more expensive.

“I hope that this increase in the minimum wage will recover the purchasing power lost in recent months due to inflation”, said President Petro, who, in addition to an adjustment in usury rates, hopes that this adjustment will revival of the local economy.

For her part, the Minister of Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez, said that in the framework of the discussion on the adjustment of the minimum wage for 2023, an issue of vital importance has been the construction of measures so that Colombians can once again have power d purchase, where the protagonist is the usury rate that is managed in credit cards and loans.

“Important elements have been considered and measures impacting or mitigating food inflation have been analysed, mainly usury rates that impede access to credit and medicine prices, among others,” said the senior government official.

In conclusion, Petro’s government is asked that with this new adjustment also usury rates can be reduced and modified and, as soon as the local economy improves, balance inflation as much as possible, so that people can have a greater purchasing power, either directly (cash payment) or financed through credit cards or loans.

Other measures that will go hand in hand with the increase in the minimum

The sectoral statistical plan will be implemented as the main statistical planning tool which allows you to strengthen the production of statistical information on the agricultural sector and rural development in the country.

An Observatory for the right to adequate food will be created which, according to the Government of the Historical Pact, will allow the monitoring of plans and programs developed in the agricultural sector. The “High-Level Inter-Sectoral Commission”, the “Food Security Coordination and Agricultural Product Supply Security Coordination” table will be put into operation.

In the field of electricity tariffs, the government will continue to advance agreements, such as regulation to reduce tariffs, renegotiation of contracts with companies providing energy services, their monitoring and monitoring.

In the midst of this deal, certain businesses were guaranteed to be unwrapped from the minimum wage, meaning that some products will rise in cost or value in proportion to how much the minimum wage increases next year:

  • The items and activities that contribute the most to the nation’s CPI are those related to agriculture, production and marketing of beef, pork and milk, as well as veterinary services. These assets are expected to be separated from raising the minimum, as they contribute 3.54% to inflation.
  • It is also expected that some higher education activities will be decoupled, these provide a 1.33% to inflation. This includes technical, technology and university careers.
  • In terms of transport, all tickets with inter-municipal, inter-regional and international destinations are expected to be untied, as these contribute 0.33% to inflation.
  • Other aspects that could be separated from the minimum wage are all those related to health, such as social protection services, medical insurance, accidents and prepaid medicines for both retirees and workers, including moderation fees to the PSE, waste collection service and traffic fines.

According to calculations by the Ministry of Finance, the activities associated with the agriculture, education and transport sectors are those that have the greatest inflationary impact; which means that all of the above activities contribute to inflation by a total of 6.14%.

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