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The military gets more money for cyber defense

The Federal Council adopted the army message in 2021. In total, he applies to Parliament for commitment credits amounting to CHF 2.3 billion. According to the announcement of the Federal Council, all expenses are to be financed through the regular army budget.

Improve cyber defense

IT-related projects also appear in the applications. The Federal Council requests 178 million Swiss francs for the expansion of the Swiss management network. The aim is to open up unrelated, mission-relevant locations for the army and the federal government. A further 79 million francs are to flow into the renewal of the data centers and 66 million francs into the renovation and adaptation of the air force’s command infrastructure.

“These investments enable crisis-resistant, protected and interference-free communication that is better protected against cyber attacks than before,” the Federal Council explains the motions.

Mehr IT-Material

The topic of cyber defense also appears in the procurement credits for additional army material. According to the embassy, ​​the army wants to provide its cyber teams with mobile means of conducting tactical operations in the field of cyber defense and cyber operations. It therefore contains a loan application “for the necessary studies, the procurement of a prototype, technical tests and troop trials”. A total of 43.5 million Swiss francs are to be spent on “material for leadership support”.

The full Army message 2021 can be downloaded from the website of the Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS).

Due to the corona pandemic, not all recruits moved into the barracks at the same time for the recruit school this year. 5000 of them started working from home instead. After initial teething problems, the army spokesman drew a positive conclusion. However, the home office does not become the norm.

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