Home » today » News » The Middle East has become a death trap for the United States – 2024-02-19 17:38:35

The Middle East has become a death trap for the United States – 2024-02-19 17:38:35

/ world today news/ Last night, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, the elite units of the Iranian army, carried out multiple strikes on the Iraqi city of Erbil. Photos of destroyed buildings appeared on the Internet.

The following morning, in an official report, the IRGC announced that the target of the attack was “the headquarters of terrorist groups and spies in Iraq.” In particular, the headquarters of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad was destroyed.

It is no secret, however, that in Tehran the US is considered the main terrorist of our time. And here, Erbil is an obvious target: it has a US consulate general, a military base and a US military airport.

The Americans “categorically condemned” the IRGC strikes on Erbil. The question is what they can really do against Iran’s military machine and its vast network of various proxies. How to fight against them? The American contingent in Iraq is about 2,500 soldiers, in Syria – several hundred. A drop in the ocean against hundreds of thousands of angry local men who have been used to fighting all their lives.

Since the beginning of October, American military bases and airports in Iraq have been shelled almost daily. The number of wounded servicemen is counted in dozens. One person is officially recognized as killed, but he is not treated as a contract soldier. Traditionally, the damage has been declared “minor”.

The classic guerilla tactic of “mosquito bites” wears on Americans’ nerves and saps their strength. On December 11, a rocket attack hit the US embassy in Baghdad. On Christmas, a “gift” in the form of drones flew to the base in Erbil – three American soldiers were wounded, one was in critical condition.

On the same day, the US military responded with missile attacks against Kataib Hezbollah positions. Reuters reported that “members of the armed group appear to have been killed.”

The Iraqi government reacted with predictable outrage, condemning the gross violation of the country’s sovereignty. It is an open secret that all these members of the “pro-Iranian groups” are actually Iraqi military officers, instructors and politicians.

Attacks on American bases continued. At the same time, in the Red Sea, the Houthis vigorously shelled American and British warships. This created such a threat that on December 26 the American command announced through clenched teeth that the aircraft carriers Gerald Ford and Dwight Eisenhower, with all their accompanying aircraft and escort ships, had “accomplished their tasks” and were going home.

On the first of January, as the world was recovering from the New Year, “Gerald Ford” – that flagship of high technology – really came home. He left the Mediterranean on tiptoe. No one noticed the news, although of course it was an epic fail.

The Americans failed to achieve any of their much-hyped objectives. They abandoned Israel, which they supposedly promised to support, and failed Operation Prosperity Guardian, which promised to protect ships in the Red Sea from Houthi fire.

US missile and bomb attacks on Yemen have resulted in nothing but civilian destruction and death. The international community condemned this senseless cruelty. The US reputation hit another rock bottom as the Houthis continued their attacks. In recent days they have fired at an American container ship (they hit the target), an American destroyer (the ship was saved by an American fighter jet that shot down the missile) and they will not stop there.

Call a spade a spade: the legendary “Gerald Ford” just fled the region. The stakes for US aircraft carriers here have indeed become prohibitively high. Yes, it is possible to fend off drone and anti-ship missile attacks for a while. But, first, it is expensive: a drone that costs about 20 thousand dollars must be shot down with a missile that costs between a million and two.

And secondly, the probability was growing all the time that some missile or fast drone would break through the defenses of the aircraft carrier formation and do very real damage to the legendary “miracle weapon”. Militaries from around the world are interested in learning about the vulnerability of US aircraft carriers. And here is such a case – two formations at once are shown in the form of targets, and the Yemeni guerrillas train on them. It was only a matter of time before they achieved their goal.

Returning to the attacks on American military bases in Iraq: they continued through the holidays, and on January 4, angry Americans responded in their favorite terrorist style – they blew up a car with the commander of the Iraqi Shiite militia right in Baghdad. Because of this, they were officially asked to leave by the Prime Minister of the country. In Baghdad, they decided it was time for the American military to pack up – the country no longer wanted them.

The Americans can claim all they want that their military was “invited by the Iraqi government”, but in fact they behave like occupiers and are perceived by the people as occupiers, and the fate of their contingent in Iraq is quite predictable: “Kufara, the airport, Washington.’

With Iraq’s withdrawal, supplies will also dry up for their machines in eastern Syria, giving Bashar al-Assad a chance to bring that part of the country back under his control. That is, another long-term American military adventure will end in inglorious defeat.

Everyone understands the danger to Americans in the Middle East. They will either be pushed out of there or drawn into an open confrontation with Iran that could instantly escalate into a world war.

It is surprising that at this difficult moment the American army was left practically without leadership. Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden has holed up in his compound at Camp David and has not appeared in public for weeks. And the Secretary of Defense of the United States has completely disappeared from the radar. For almost an entire week at the beginning of the year, neither the White House, nor Congress, nor ordinary Americans knew where Lloyd Austin had gone.

Much later it became clear that on December 22 the head of the Pentagon underwent an operation for prostate cancer. He was discharged on New Year’s Day, but on January 1 he was hospitalized again – and immediately in the intensive care unit, where he was unconscious for a long time. In theory, his deputy, Kathleen Hicks, should have seized the controls – including the nuclear button – but she was on vacation in Puerto Rico for New Year’s and did not interrupt her vacation. So she ran the Pentagon straight from the beach. Austin appears to be currently discharged and, according to the Pentagon, is working from home.

American experts like to speculate on how many military conflicts Washington could be involved in at once and how it would resolve them. The beginning of the year answers all these questions.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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