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The #MeToo wave no longer spares hospitals

In the columns of Le Parisien, the Paris hospital interns’ union launched a call for testimonies addressed to those who worked with him, with priority given to interns who worked in the Samu/Smur of the Saint-Antoine hospital and the Necker hospital, where the doctor worked. The main person concerned categorically denies the facts. Deep roots More broadly, the affair highlights what some call the “bawdy culture” of the hospital. Already in March 2021, the National Association of Medical Students of France (Anemf) published an alarming study on sexist and sexual violence suffered by medical students during their studies. According to the figures collected, 1 in 3 medical students has been the victim of harassment during their university life, 15% have suffered sexual assault while only 1 in 10 people report this violence. Interviewed on France Info, the president of Anemf Florie Sullerot denounced the climate in medical schools and strongly condemned “all the customs and humor that actually exist to create cohesion in the group of health students, steeped in this rape culture.” The ministry takes it up On his X account, the Minister of Health Frédéric Valletoux recalled that sexist violence had no place in hospitals. A meeting will be organized soon with health professionals: “I will soon bring together associations, employers and health professionals, in order to amplify the actions already carried out and work on a global and firm response,” he promised. Sources: France Info, Paris Match, Le Parisien, etc.


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