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The message for each zodiac sign

Los angels and the archangels They are always at our side, sending us their energy. And of course, they have a message for each of us at the beginning of this month of September 2024.

They help us get into calminvite us to live in harmony and they are peace workers in our earthly world.

The angels and archangels are very close to us, raise our vibration Through channeling and with subtle messages they bring us their guidance.

Next, the energies that they send us through their messages.

The angels’ message for August 2024 and their predictions

Archangel Michael rules the Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

This month will be a release period favorable to do all that is available, to explore and to conquer, only if you dare to take a different path.

From the second week The overall situation can be improved by entering a new opening for the independence and the freedom of expression with affections and also in labor matters.

This month, the amor and the enjoy the pleasures They must be the key to modifying some qualities in order to achieve your goals. You have to bet on yourself.

The message regarding love will be very marked by your reactions to it. trustThey will have to toughen their character, be more tolerantbecause otherwise this will play against them.

Being such a month changing In general matters, they have to give way to the creativity I already did it emotional. Also to do something concrete. They could start businesses linked to art and everything that connects them with the inner growth.

Each sign, according to its element, receives a message from the angels for September 2024. Photo: Shutterstock

Review your associations and money management. Explore within yourselves the foundations of trust and the security where they bring them to the success.

Harmonize your emotionsbring out the best…But also the worst, because that way you will release tensions. In intimate life, placer It must be the antidote to the stress of the current year. They need a oasis in the face of responsibilities.

From the hand of your gifts and talents, there will be a growthIt’s time for you to treat yourselves as you usually treat others.

Archangel Gabriel rules the water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

It is a cycle in which some will appear doubts and confusions on an emotional levelbut not only in this area but also in what laborThey will be looking for answers to figure out what the process would be like to continue.

The advice is to try clarity in communication, becoming a little more mental as they have to work the acceptance of the freedom of others.

They will feel that the time has come to test how far they are capable. give, receive and let go of all kinds of relationships. It is also wanting to trust.

Angels come to remember the independence as a value that is essential and strengthens every emotional union.

Be able to enjoy and live the bonds as a state of calm. Allow yourself to feel passion and compassionalso towards others.

You will have energies that will intensify your opinion, making the last part of the month want venture into new projects and entrepreneurshipsespecially those that have to do with personal growth.

They will also have challenges that will allow let go of control of situationswhere they will have to risk trusting once and for all. Possibilities of changes and well-being.

Pay attention to the lifestyle that are bringing, to their customs, everything related to the homewith nutrition and also paying more attention to family members.

It’s time to modify, transform, transmute everything that does not bring calm to your life.

Archangel Raphael rules the Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

September finds them with a energy that impacts the way it is express at work, in a dependent relationship, at home and also at the health level.

During this time, they will feel differentsince different circumstances will be vibrating in insecurityWe suggest you focus on these internal changes that you need.

Work the self-love and the security It is essential. In the middle of the month you will feel a strong combination of situations and new experiences.

Do not be afraid of askto demand what you really need, for a good relationship.

You will feel at times that lose control and that they will be subordinated to a domain by others; but calm down, it is only at this moment, where you will be able to learning to give and receive in the right measureas long as it is with the heart.

Angels raise our vibration. Photo: Shutterstock

Take advantage of the energy of this month and express with delivery actionswithout fear of what is going to happen, because in reality it will be beneficial for its growth.

Thus they will go in the favorable direction, linked to the emotional development. It is a month where they will have a disconcerting effectespecially if They work in a dependent relationship.

You will feel aimless at times, and there will be unforeseen events and issues to resolve, but this month will give you the mental clarity you need to succeed.

As far as health is concerned, it will be favorable to try novel treatments to improve their quality of life. Enjoy everything that they feel is a remedy for well-being.

It’s time to have hobbies to get them out of the routine

Archangel Uriel rules the Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

This month the energies will be directed more towards the social life. Where they will feel more friendly and committed to each other.

You will feel a strong desire inside you link into groups and activities for the welfare of his life in its full breadth.

It will be a good month to emphasize in the area of friendships and different relations, so it will be a very favorable period for new joint projects.

For those who are alone, there is loving energies nearby. Try to get in touch with passion, to make your deepest desires come true, and to give yourself over to it body and soul.

Someone new appears in their lives. And to those who are in couplethe angels tell them to live the bond releasing guiltmaking it lighter and more akin to an energy of wanting without being so possessive.

You should pay attention to this intention and advice for to love fully and healthy. There are energies that will awaken work level a powerful way of thinking and desire to to detach from certain structures that no longer identify them with their vocations or tasks.

Attention to collective ideas and associations with people close to you. To put new approaches into practice.

Open your mind and take advantage of this good month in every sense. The advice is to wake up to the possibility of what will emerge deep desires and feelings.

Be more positive. Maybe you need to work on taking things more seriously. tranquillity, avoid angerto be much more tolerant and less rigid with yourselves and with others.

Get out more, take walks outdoors and learn to share.

Nadir Otermin Hamed. Certified Holistic Teacher. Courses and sessions in person and remotely all year round. On Instagram: @consultorioholisticonadir

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