The Superior Health Council has just issued a second report on the mental health of Belgians. Thanks to a survey conducted between October and January 2021, health professionals were able to express their resentment during this crisis.
The study made it possible to formulate 7 recommendations in terms of mental health. If now the question becomes essential, it has long been forgotten in the debates. Professionals today demand that their field be better taken into account. For years, they have felt that mental health has been pushed aside. They demand that the population have better access to professionals. Wider information is needed and also intended for socio-economically weaker audiences.
“People should not feel that it is expensive to go to a psychologist, explains Elke Van Hoof, chair of the mental health and covid working group. Specific information campaigns must be carried out. Work can also play a role in detecting mental disorders. ”
Professionals also ask for stronger empowerment of the population. The latest announcements that extend the confinement period will have an impact on the mental health of the population. “This is a fact that must also be taken into consideration. The return of contacts, financial stability, the creation of prospects are important. ”
■ Interview d’Elke Van Hoof, chair of the mental health and covid working group by Vanessa Lhuillier