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The men’s ride of the British in Prague ended with a number of diseases

The infection was first detected in two members of a cricket club in the village of Barlaston. Later, three other participants in the weekend stay in Prague had a positive test for coronavirus, writes Stoke Sentinel. According to a local hygienist, one of the infected infected his wife upon his return, and the men allegedly did not follow the government rules associated with their stay abroad.

“The men’s ride was really interesting. It seems that patient zero, the first case of infection from the outbreak, caught it in London. Then they flew to Prague with ten other people, spent the weekend with what they spent it, and during that time the first individual managed to infect five other people, who then brought it home, “said Richard Harling, who is in charge of public health in Staffordshire.

It is not entirely clear from the Stoke Sentinel article whether the virus was transmitted in a British group last weekend. From 29 August, people traveling to England from the Czech Republic are required to have 14 days’ isolation upon arrival. The British government now recommends traveling to the Czech Republic only when absolutely necessary.

“They were supposed to go to quarantine. Instead, they decided to go to a cricket match, so here you have it. It shows that we can’t count on everyone to act responsibly,” added hygienist Harling.

Britain, like the Czechia, has reported increased numbers of positive coronavirus findings in recent days, with increases in the overall balance remaining above 2,000 for several days. Britain last registered similar numbers in the second half of May.

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