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The Mediterranean History Review: A Scholarly Journal on the Rich History of the Mediterranean Region

The Mediterranean History Review is a semi-annual international academic journal published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Bejaia. If this title announces a leaning towards studies relating to the history of the countries of the southern, northern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean, a region considered as a bastion of human civilization and an influential country in the world from prehistory to the period it is clear that the doors will be open for all historical contributions dealing with the past of all the states of the world in their different aspects: society in all its dimensions, agriculture, industry, trade, politics, culture, customs and traditions etc.

The Journal has set up an international scientific committee to evaluate all the work submitted to it. This is an anonymous evaluation carried out by two readers outside the editorial board of the journal. These evaluation procedures comply with international standards.

The Revue d’Histoire Méditerranéenne can be downloaded in its entirety and without restriction in PDF format from the website of the University of Bejaia.

Tamazight, Arabic, French and English.

Your articles should be submitted via the following link: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/605 or sent via the following email: [email protected]

before October 15, 2023

For publication in December 2023.

As part of the submission of articles, the editorial team of the journal asks authors to write in strict compliance with the following rules of presentation:

  1. Originality: An article submitted for publication must respect the principle of originality, justify its contribution to the development of scientific knowledge.
  2. The volume of the article: The authors will respect the volume of 10 to 15 pages. The volume ordered includes notes, bibliography and illustrations. The editorial board of the journal reserves the right to refuse an article that does not respect this volume.
  3. The first page is a title and metadata page that should contain the following information:
  4. Surname and first name of the author(s), function and grade, postal address of their institution to which they are attached, e-mail address, postal address and personal telephone number.
  5. The title of the article and its translation into another language.
  6. A summary in the language of the article and another in another language (each
  7. abstract must contain between 150 and 200 words).
  8. Indexing keywords in two languages.
  9. The introduction: It must contain, among other things, the following elements: Presentation of the subject and its importance, the research problem, presentation of previous studies and a description of the theoretical approach used.
  10. The conclusion: It must be a synthesis of the results and suggest avenues for future research.
  11. The font: The font in Latin characters is Times New Romain size 12 for the body of the text and 10 for the notes. The Arabic writing font is Traditional Arabic, size 16 for the body of the text and 12 for the notes.
  12. Line spacing: 1.5
  13. Page margins are 2cm on each side.
  14. Footnotes: The notes are presented in continuous numbering at the bottom of the page and limited to the essential things (clarifications or press articles only, because the bibliographical references are placed in the intra-text). The footnote must be attached to the preceding word and not to a punctuation mark.

Ex. must be attached1. Not: must be joined.1

  1. Bibliographic references are integrated into the body of the text as follows: (Name, year of publication: p). Ex: (ADJAOUD, 2012:57). As for the reference to the source-type history documents, they are presented as follows: (the name, the first word of the title or the 2e if the first is not significant: p.) ex: (Ibn Kheldoun, the ibar: 50).
  2. Punctuation standards: single or triple signs (period, comma and three ellipsis) must be stuck to the previous word, double signs (colon, semicolon, question mark and exclamation point) are separated from the preceding word by a non-breaking space.
  3. Quotations, use of quotation marks and italics: Quotations are always between French quotation marks “…” and in roman characters. When their length exceeds 03 lines, they should be individualized by creating a separate paragraph, set back (1 cm on the right and on the left), in a body of letter smaller than the rest of the text (11 for texts in Latin and 14 for texts in Arabic).

Example :

The death of the administrator Dupuy de Guentis, a remote post between the Nememchas and the Aurès, upset him.

“Oh! swear at everything

to do, declares Jacques Soustelle in front of the administrator’s coffin in Tébessa, a funeral oration, without sparing anything, to avenge those who were taken from us and so that, in spite of everything, the French work for which they gave their lives.”

  1. Use of italics: Italics are used only for foreign terms. When these terms are in common use (if they appear in the dictionary), Roman characters will be used.
  2. Bibliography: The bibliographical references are grouped together at the end of the article in alphabetical order, and for the same author, in chronological order of publication. Titles of books and names of journals are written in italicsbut the titles of articles are written in roman type.

We separate the references into distinct groups:

  • Archives.
  • The sources.
  • Studies (books and articles).
  • The press (newspapers).
  • Finding aids (Dictionaries and encyclopedias)

The rule used is APA (For more details, download a file on the rules of the APA standard on the Journal’s website: www.univ-bejaia.dz/rhm or contact us by e-mail: [email protected] to send you the file.


  • THE archives : the name of the institution or archive center must be given as an abbreviation. The box code or number. The name of the file. The subfolder name. The title of the document.

Ex. AOM. 1K5/2. Prefecture of Algiers. Cabinet of prefect of Algiers (1858-1962). Strikes of the Popular Front period (1936-1938). Couriers. Extract from the register of the deliberations of the municipal council of the commune of Ouled Fayet dated July 18, 1936.

  • Bibliographic references of ancient sources:

We write the NAME of the Source author in capital letters and the name of the editor or director or translator in lower case followed by the mention (ed.) for the editor or (dir.) for the director or (trad.) for the translator.

AL-YAQŪBI, G. Wiet (trad.). (1937). The Countries (Mu’gam al-Buldān). Cairo: French Institute of Oriental Archaeology.

  • For works with a single author, it is written as follows

TEGUIA, M. (1988). Algeria

in war. (2e ed.). Algiers: OPU

  • For single-author e-books: it is the same with a printed work, by adding the link at the end.

Mercier, E. (1868). History of Northern Africa (Berberia) from the earliest times to the French conquest in 1830. Paris: Ernest Leroux Publisher.

  • For translated single-author works: The name of the translator is added after the title, then the date of the original publication at the end.
  • For single-author and multi-volume works:

Mercier, E. (1868). History of Northern Africa (Berberia) from the earliest times to the French conquest in 1830. (Volume 2). Paris: Ernest Leroux Publisher.

  • For works with several authors:

CHIAUZI, G. (1991). Medieval Maghreb. The Apex of Islamic Civilization in the Arab West. Aix-en-Provence: Edisud.

  • For printed articles:

Name, P. (year). Title of the article. Journal title, volume number (issue number), pagination.

If the journal does not present a booklet, the number will take its place in italics.

AGERON, Ch.R. (1977). Algerian teachers (1883-1939). Annales, 32(4), 717-720.

  • For electronic items: the difference from print is the addition of a DOI or URL field.

EMERIT, M. (1962). Survey of the standard of living of rural populations from the conquest until 1919: Economic history essay

and social. Annales, 17(6), 1214- 1219. revues/home/prescript/article/ahess_0395-2649_1962_num_17_6_420936_t1_1214_0000_2>.

  • For a chapter of a collective work:

Name, P. (year). Chapter title. In P. Name of the scientific publisher(s) of the collective work (Ed.), Title of the work (pp.). Location: publisher.

Cungi, C. (2006). The therapeutic alliance. In O. Fontaine & P. ​​Fontaine (Ed.), Clinical Guide to Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (pp. 395-447).

Paris: Retz.

  • Colloquium or congress proceedings: If published
  • we apply the same rules as those of a chapter in a book.

Ouatmani, S. (2019). The French trade unions and the Algerian Revolution: The example of the CGT and the CFTC In M. Ait Meddour (dir.), The trade union movement in Algeria during the colonial period. (pp. 7-13). Bejaia: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Bejaia.

  • Dissertations and theses: The same rules of a book are used, provided that the mention (dissertation or thesis) is added.

Name, P. (year). Title (Memory). University, City.

MARSEILLES, J. (1984). Colonial Empire and French Capitalism (State Doctorate Thesis). University of Paris I.

The director and editor-in-chief of the Journal: Pr. AIT MEDDOUR Mahmoud

Deputy Director: Pr. OUATMANI Settar

The scientific and reading committee

The president of the scientific committee: Pr. OUATMANI Settar. (U. of Bejaia). Heritage, Culture and Social Change Laboratory Professor

Associate Editors

  • AILLET Cyrille (U. Lumière, Lyon 2). UMR 5648 Professor
  • AISSANI Djamil (U. of Bejaia). LaMOS Research Units. Teacher
  • AIT HABOUCHE Hamid (U. of Oran). Laboratory of Maghreb Studies, the Elites and the Construction of a National State. Teacher
  • BAIZIG M. Salah (University of Tunis). Medieval Arab-Islamic World Laboratory. Teacher
  • BALA Sadek (U. of Bejaia). Teacher
  • BOUAZZA Boudersaia (U. of Algiers2). Maghreb Unit Lab Director. Professor7. CHAFOU Redhouane (U. of El Oued). Teacher
  • CHAIB Kedadra (U. of Guelma). Teacher
  • CHOUITAME Arezki (U. of Algiers 2) Professor
  • FARADJI M. Akli (U. de Bejaia). Professor
  • GUENFISSI Hayette (U. of Bejaia). Heritage, Culture and Social Changes. Doctor
  • HADIAlWASH Huda (U. of Baghdad). Doctor
  • HALAILI Hanifi (U. of S. Bel Abbots). Teacher
  • HASSINI Aicha (U. of Bouira). Historical Sources Translation Laboratory. Teacher.
  • JADLA Brahim (U. Menouba, Tunis). Teacher
  • KINZI AZZEDINE (U. of T. Ouzou). Development and Teaching Laboratory of the Amazigh Language. Doctor
  • MEGROUS born MEHENTEL Djahida (University of Algiers 2). teacher
  • NAILI Abdelkader (U. of Djelfa) Professor
  • OUATMANI Settar (U. of Bejaia). Heritage, Culture and Social Changes. Teacher
  • REMILI Nedjma, born SERRADJ (University of Algiers 2). Laboratory of Historical and Archaeological Studies. Doctor21. SAIDI Meziane (ENS of Bouzaréah, Algiers). Laboratory of Contemporary Historical Studies (LEHC). Teacher
  • SALEM Merouane (U. of Diyala, Iraq) Ph.D
  • SIDALI AHMED Messaoud (U. of M’sila). Teacher
  • TIDJET Mustapha (U. of Bejaia). Teacher
  • TLEMCANI Ben Youcef (U. of Blida). Laboratory of Historical and Civilizational Research. Teacher
  • VALERIAN Dominique UMR 8167 Orient & Mediterranean (CNRS – EPHE – College of France – University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – Sorbonne University) . Teacher
  • WSHEH Gasan (Islamic University of Ghaza, Palestine). Teacher
  • ABBACI Majid. Heritage, Communication and Social Change Laboratory. Doctor
  • BOUICHER Boubkeur (English teacher trainer in high school)
  • LAHOUEL Tassaadith, Professeure.
  • MAANDI Abla. Doctor
  • TIDJET Mustapha. Teacher.
  • TOUCH KHAROUNI Nouara. (U. of Bejaia). Specialized foreign languages ​​in socio-professional environments: preparation for professionalization. (LESMS)Doctor
  • MAZRI Sabrina. Master. PhD student.
  • MERDJAA Aicha. Heritage, Culture and Social Changes. Doctor.

2023-08-02 10:22:59
#Mediterranean #History #Review #Varia

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