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The media learned about the first human death from bird flu in India

Фото: The Times of India

The child was taken to the institute on July 2, but could not be saved

India has experienced repeated outbreaks of avian influenza over the past 15 years. But so far in the country there have not been officially recorded human deaths due to this disease.

The first human death from bird flu was recorded in India. The victim of the disease was an 11-year-old boy who died on Tuesday, the newspaper reports. The Times of India citing sources at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences on Wednesday 21 July.

It is indicated that on July 2, the child was taken to the institute with a high fever and cough.

“We thought that he was sick with COVID-19. But when the tests were negative, further research found that the boy was suffering from an infection caused by the virus” bird “or” chicken “flu, – the publication quoted the source.

A search and identification of persons who could have contact with the boy are now being carried out.

India has been reported to have experienced repeated outbreaks of avian influenza over the past 15 years, mainly affecting wild and poultry. But so far in the country there have not been officially recorded human deaths due to this disease. Public health professionals are alarmed by this situation, newspaper sources indicate.

Avian influenza is common in birds but can sometimes be transmitted to humans. It attacks the lungs, nose and throat. It is a respiratory condition and has symptoms similar to those of the common cold. Numerous cases of death of people from this infection have been recorded in the world. At risk are children and the elderly, as well as people suffering from chronic diseases.

In January of this year, a powerful outbreak of avian influenza was noted in India. The virus has been confirmed in dead wild and domestic birds in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Maharashtra, as well as in the Delhi metropolitan area.

We will remind, in Russia revealed first human infection a new type of avian influenza virus. It was later reported that these cases of infection took up WHO experts.

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