11:00 pm with information atclose and recent.Adriana: with you alwaysWell informed.returning to the theme ofschools and the threat ofthe variant of the new york,the campuses are followedpreparing for the return tothe classes.crankcase school in the bronx.found out what are thesecurity protocolsimplemented by the pandemic.mariela: distancingsocial…we arrived at the crankcase school,in the heart of a neighborhoodhispanic from the bronx.the protocols were in place.they work against the clock toback to school on August 30.they are the hands of their ownstudents who preparethe salons.we accompany you to follow yourtask. in the process he met themthat he lost his grandfather to himvirus.this work is an incentive for>> I feel capable of doingsomething.I did not feel capable of doingsomething like I wanted to do.for being thinking of those that nothingmore than that.>> this is his house, this is the houseof the students. they havebeen with us for manyyears and that great pause sinceMarch 2020 has been something thathas affected children, bepart of the solution.mariela: this school sheltersimmigrant students likeCecilia, who came from Mexico2 years ago.on campus everywherethey are vaccinated and not vaccinated.that’s always aworried, theschool director. bythat’s rule number 1 beforedisinfect your hands.>> we have a distancing3 feet in all areaswherever possible.students are forhave lunch, we will use thelounges in the cafeteria. you doimportant is to ensure the useof the masks.mariela: remember thatcrankcase schools are governed bythe health departmentstate and by the cdc.if your child to a schoolcrankcase like this, contact herdirectly. if you go to onepublic school of the city of