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The Meaning of Comets, Characteristics, to Examples

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Comets are celestial bodies that are often thought of as shooting stars. (9866112)

Bobo.id – This time we will get to know the celestial objects that are often known as “falling stars”.

But of course these objects are not “shooting stars”, but comets.

In the following, friends will be introduced to comets from their understanding, characteristics, to examples.


According to NASA, Comets are cosmic snowballs formed of frozen gas, rock and dust orbiting the sun.

Comets range in size from a few kilometers to tens of kilometers.

However, as the comet gets closer to the Sun, this celestial body will melt like ice.

Particles and gases resulting from melting comets will become a cloud around the nucleus known as a coma or coma.

The sun also provides the push, so dust and gas particles from the comet will form a stretched tail. Because of this, comets are often called shooting stars.

The Origin of Comets Appearing

Comets actually come from two regions, namely the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud.

Read also: 5 planets that can be seen from Earth without the aid of a telescope, which is your favourite?

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