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The meaning of April 25th: this is why today we celebrate Liberation

Today, 25 April, the anniversary of the. is celebrated in Italy Liberation to commemorate the liberation of the country from the fascist regime and the Nazi occupation of Italy during the Second World War. The holiday of April 25th is also the anniversary of the Resistance and is dedicated to the value of the partisans of all fronts who, starting from 1943, contributed to the liberation of the country.

In Italy the partisan groups were formed later the armistice of 8 September 1943, on the initiative of anti-fascists and soldiers of the dissolved Royal Army. Initially made up of a few thousand men, the Resistance became a large movement which was joined by workers, farmers and young draft dodgers from the Republic of Salò who brought around 300 thousand people into the partisan army.

The action of the Resistance was coordinated by National Liberation Committees the first of which arose in Rome on 9 September 1943 while the King and Badoglio were fleeing. The parties that arose and reconstituted during 1943 were represented in the CLN.

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The partisan formations were distinguished by their political orientation: the Garibaldi Brigades (communist), the Matteotti (socialist) e Justice and freedom (of the action party). In June 1944 the CLN Alta Italia (Northern Italy National Liberation Committee) was also formed. Thanks to the activity of these groups combined with the direct participation of the civilian population, many areas were liberated from the partisans before the arrival of the allies.

In the spring of 1945 the Anglo-American troops broke through the Gothic line from La Spezia to Rimini along the Apennines, spreading into the Po Valley. On April 25, the Italian Resistance launched a national uprising against the Germans.

Benito Mussolini he attempted to escape to Switzerland by joining a German column but recognized and captured by the partisans he was executed on 28 April in the village of Dongo together with his companion Claretta Petacci and other hierarchs.

April 25th is celebrated throughout Italy as Liberation Day. The date was chosen by the CLN because precisely on April 25, the appeal for the armed insurrection of the city of Milan, seat of the partisan command, went out from Milan.

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– 2024-04-27 02:36:47

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