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The Mayor of Padang, Ombudsman Opened a Bicycle Bike with Thousands of Participants: An Inappropriate Example for the People Page all

KOMPAS.com- City government Padang, West Sumatra is considered to have violated its own rules by having an event Bike riding Siti Nurbaya in commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Sunday (16/8/2020).

In fact, the event which was attended by thousands of people was even opened directly by the Mayor of Padang Mahyeldi.

Ombudsman The West Sumatra representative strongly criticized the activities that should not have been held in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Examples that should not be shown to the people,” said the Head of West Sumatra Ombudsman Yefri Heriani.

Also read: During the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, the red light in the city of Padang will light up for 3 minutes

Break the rules yourself

Shutterstock Illustration of the spread of the corona virus-For your information, the Padang City Government previously issued a ban on 17 August competition activities involving large crowds.

The prohibition was stated in the Mayor’s Circular Letter Number 200/463 / Kesbangpol / 2020 concerning participation in celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

But apparently, on Sunday (16/8/2020), the Municipal Government of Padang was considered to have ignored its own rules. Bike riding event continues amid the pandemic.

“We are surprised that the event inviting large crowds beyond the tolerance limit outlined by the health protocol is still held by Padang on the grounds of celebrating the 75th Indonesian Independence Day,” said Yefri.

Even though the community, said Yefri, needed an example from the government to jointly fight Covid-19.

However, the Ombudsman sees that there are still many people who violate health protocols at the event.

“And the government and its ranks may act if there is a violation. Thousands of participants participated in the ride this morning, but many people didn’t do it, “said Yefri.

Also read: The Mayor of Padang Ignores Circular Letter He Has Signed Himself, Instead Opens a Bike Tour to Commemorate RI’s Anniversary

Mayor of Padang MahyeldiKOMPAS.COM/PERDANA PUTRA Mayor of Padang Mahyeldi-City government claims participants follow the rules

In contrast to what was conveyed by the Ombudsman, the Mayor of Padang claimed that the participants had followed the rules.

Thousands of people are said to have worn masks and kept their distance.

Moreover, said Mahyeldi, the organizing committee always reminded the participants with loudspeakers.

“The committee implemented the Covid-19 protocol well. Participants are required to wear masks and the committee has also provided a place to wash their hands, ”Mahyeldi.

Source: Kompas.com (Author: Padang Contributor, Perdana Putra | Editor: Aprilia Ika)

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