BOLOGNA – “By saying that anti-fascism and the Resistance have caused deaths there is an attempt to diminish and eliminate the value of what partisans and partisans have done, who have decided to take up arms in order to give freedom to everyone and oppose a dictatorship. Minister Lollobrigida studies history”. Valentina Cuppimayor of Marzabotto, to the minister Francesco Lollobrigidawho had found the way out of declaring that “anti-fascism has also caused deaths” in order not to respond to the requests of those who ask for a distance from fascism, arrives on the eve of April 25th, 80 years after the massacre most brutal committed by the Nazi-fascists in Italy.
“There were deaths caused by the partisans because they were in battle, they would have been better in a peace situation, but the moment required it – continues Valentina Cuppi – If you always want to try to take some specific anecdotes that are not part of the story of the values and motivations of the entire Resistance as a whole, of all the forces that sat down to write the Constitution, this is synonymous with ignorance. As is assimilating the Resistance with the left, because everyone did the Resistance how many. Using the terms Partisans or Resistance to assimilate it to a political party and to oppose it means that history has not been studied and therefore I invite you to study it”.
The celebrations in Marzabotto
On the Bolognese Apennines, celebrations are being prepared for what is a deeply felt celebration in the mountains which saw hundreds of innocent people, women, old people and children as young as a few months old, shot in the autumn of 1944 because the Nazis wanted to “cleanse the mountains of partisans ”. Marzabotto obtained the gold medal in 1948 and that document mentions 1,830 victims. Among the oaks of Monte Sole, there is no joke about the dead.
“April 25th is divisive for those who are fascists or have nostalgia for fascism, otherwise it is a holiday for all Italians because there is a historical truth, that all of Italy has been liberated even for those who today have nostalgia for Mussolini – said Cuppi – Even today, fascism and anti-fascism represent different beliefs. When you give the Roman salute, which is still permitted today, it means that you are affiliated with a certain history, whoever says that fascism has also done good things, after 80 years, it does something shameful and worrying, because within fascism there are anti-values. That is: discrimination, choice of certain categories identified as enemies and also censorship, annihilation of those who think differently. All this is fascism, we still need to talk about fascism and anti-fascism because they are still present today, we live in a Republic that has an anti-fascist Constitution, all the principles that are contained in that Constitution were born from anti-fascism, it is our history and what is a legacy of fascism from what is anti-fascism that gives us freedom”.
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“Those who carry out dissent are censored”
To those who ask if we are faced with a right-wing drift, the mayor of Marzabotto responds clearly: “We are not faced with a right-wing drift, if we were talking about liberals and democrats there would be no drift, the problem here is that there are attitudes that lead, as in this case, to censorship and an excessive presence of the Government’s voice even in the media. There is a desire to enter the world of culture on equal footing, removing all those who try to carry forward dissent. “. The reference is to the censorship of Antonio Scurati’s monologue on April 25th, eliminated from Serena Bortone’s broadcast. This censorship will be responded to from the squares and also from the Monte Sole stage.
the anniversary
Bologna celebrates April 25th with the reading marathon of Scurati’s monologue
by Silvia Bignami

Landini, Salis and Pennacchi in Marzabotto
“We will have many guests, Maurizio Landini and Andrea Pennacchi, then various events in the places of the memorial: the show “Il Duce delinquente” with Aldo Cazzullo and Moni Ovadia in Casaglia – explained Cuppi – then Max Collini and various artists and he will also come with us Ilaria Salis’ father who was contacted in January and only a few days ago confirmed his presence to us. He will arrive around 5.30pm in Monte Sole. His is a message of defense of freedom and human rights, Europe has its roots in Monte Sole. There will also be space on the stage to read Scurati’s monologue, which is happened is a real censorship, although the reasons have been watered down, we will report what is happening from our stage.”
#mayor #Marzabotto #April #25th #divisive #fascists #nostalgic #fascism #Lollobrigida #studies #history
– 2024-04-25 09:29:50