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The mayor of Mantua takes the field for Mps

Palazzi: «I asked for and obtained a meeting with the unions in September». And he aims to team up with his colleagues from Siena and Padua

MANTUA. The mayor of Mantua Mattia Palazzi takes the field alongside the workers of Monte dei Paschi. “I asked for and obtained a meeting at the beginning of September with the trade unions and their categories – he announces – despite knowing that the scenario is not yet defined and that many evaluations will be possible only following the due diligence started by Unicredit. However, I need to have the exact and specific dimension of the MPS employment framework in our territory and its articulation in the various bank services to best represent, if needed, the defense of our territory, its economy and jobs. of work”. The Virgilian mayor is trying to involve other mayors of the cities where the weight of MPS is strong to demonstrate that the institutions are on the side of workers and communities, at a time when the transfer of ownership is being discussed, which is certainly not painless. to Unicredit: «I have already heard from the mayor of Padua Sergio Giordani – he says – to represent that the Mps affair also and strongly concerns our cities, Mantua and Padua (Antonveneta headquarters, Mps group, ed.), At the same time I am contacting the mayor of Siena, Mozzi, to make a team ».

The first result is a joint statement between Palazzi and Giordani in which the first two citizens ask that “the entire institutional chain and territories be taken into consideration and involved in the assessments that the Government will have to take”.

Palazzi also focuses on what politics, at national level, is doing for MPS; he defines Minister Franco’s words as «important», which «exclude a“ stew ”risk» and on «fundamental occupational protection; but it is equally fundamental that all the territories in which Mps represents employment and induced activities are taken into consideration, with hundreds of workers employed in various bank services, including IT ones “.

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