Home » today » World » The mayor of Haskovo, Dobri Belivanov, exposed Delyan Dobrev – 2024-08-15 09:02:06

The mayor of Haskovo, Dobri Belivanov, exposed Delyan Dobrev – 2024-08-15 09:02:06

/ world today news/ After his resignation was demanded by the GERB party that nominated him, Haskovo Mayor Dobri Belivanov counterattacked and rejected the accusations of rigged contests and irregularities in the work of the municipality, writes “Frognews”.

“In 2003, Delyan Dobrev was appointed to the regional administration of Haskovo, where I was the Chief Secretary. He was a young man who had graduated from the US and was doing well. I am saddened by his behavior right now. I am saddened as a father, not as a politician. I attribute his behavior to emotion, his way of thinking and his ambitions to exercise influence,” Belivanov wrote in an open letter.

Further down in the letter, he specifies what ambitions are in question – the attack began after the cancellation of the “vicious competitions” for directors of the Directorates “Administration and Legal-Regulatory Services”, “Financial-Accounting Activities and Budget” and “Economy and Economic Activities, management of municipal property” in the municipality.

“The way in which Dobrev reacted to the contests showed that his real goal was to frame and lead the municipality of Haskovo and I was only a figurehead – the facade behind which someone else arranges the events, without even being able to stop the illegal appointments,” he believes the mayor.

He emphasizes that he is not distancing himself from GERB, but only from the former energy minister, who created “ridiculous tension” in the municipality.

Here is the full text of the letter:

Staffing, interests and sympathies are behind the tension created in the city of Haskovo. The appointment of managerial administrative staff in the municipality must take place after legal, transparent competitions in accordance with the Civil Servant Act. This is not my personal whim or subjective judgment, but an action to uphold the Law.

I am the mayor of the citizens of Haskovo and I wish to govern with a team whose appointment is not in violation of the Law. Transparency in management and clear criteria for appointments in the Municipality are one of the goals of a democratic and honest government. Purely party, family and friendly appointments are not suitable for achieving these goals, so the establishment of a monopoly in the management of the municipality is not permissible. I will not comment on the appointments recommended by Mr. Delyan Dobrev, neither in the Haskovo municipality, nor in the energy sector, which were reported in the media. If Haskovo is a small region and the administration should have his relatives as a priority, is the energy sector also small?

I entrusted the implementation of personnel policy to the deputy mayors and the relevant committees, and now I regret it. I learn that the outgoing deputy mayors will return to their more expensively paid previous positions, I only regret that they did not feel my respect and respect for their sacrifice for Haskovo. I hope that decent people and good professionals will also come in their place.

After canceling the flawed contests on 21.09., on 22.09. an article came out that GERB wanted my resignation, and then the local structure of GERB came out with a condemnatory statement, to which I have already responded. The management in Haskovo is successful and I boldly stand behind my words. Many successes have been achieved and they are all the result of teamwork. I trust that all orders have been placed lawfully. I am proud that we are among the leaders in sanitation. It is unfortunate that because of an artificially created conflict regarding appointment competitions, the public will look with distrust on the overall activity in the municipality. We gave the opposition a reason to attack us.

I was elected with the support of GERB, I implement the policies of the party, I myself am from GERB, a member of the Municipal Management of GERB, and as mayor of all citizens I must observe the Law, including regarding appointments in Haskovo Municipality. I also believe that precisely because of the support of the GERB party, we must protect our good name and stop practices that damage the prestige and trust in our political power.

The management of GERB has a strong vision and goals and functions in excellent synchronization and coordination with all local administrative units. In this regard, I and my management continue to stand firmly behind the policies and principles of GERB. We will work to optimize processes and projects, the delay of which Mr. Tsvetanov noted, to the extent that these processes are dependent on technological and legal deadlines.

I have been in power for a long time and I respect all parties, including the BSP in its capacity as a constructive opposition. There is no price that can buy my convictions. And the BSP never tried to do that either, because they know me well. The one mentioned by Mr. Dobrev, Mr. Ivan Stamatov, I do not know if he is from the BSP, I have known him for many years. Personally, I do not participate in the process of awarding public contracts, I have authorized Deputy Mayor Konsulov for this.

In 2003, Delyan Dobrev was appointed to the regional administration of Haskovo, where I was the Chief Secretary. He was a young man who had graduated from the US and was doing well. I am saddened by his behavior right now. I am saddened as a father, not as a politician. I attribute his behavior to emotion, his mindset, and his ambitions for influence.

I was accused of having a 35-year-old lover. I am 71 and the married mistress was a financial controller – I fired her to please them and prove them wrong. Now I regret that I fired a good employee because of slander. Another lover turned out to be a lady with whom I was at sea in 2016. The mistress was actually my daughter…

I’m coming back from a trip I went on with my brother-in-law who drives the bus. If I wasn’t on a bus trip, I might be able to get back as early as Monday. I was abdicated on Friday, 28.09.?! Actually, there was an unforeseen situation and our stay was extended by a day – we were supposed to arrive on Thursday, the trip was seven days. Leaked video of me posing as a landmark next to a Bentley car. It can be seen that it was my son-in-law – my daughter’s husband – who was taking pictures of me. It can also be seen that we are being watched and photographed from a black luxury limousine… This raises the question of who sent the photographers and for what purpose. And isn’t it actually a well directed situation.

I am not distancing myself from GERB, but from Mr. Delyan Dobrev, who created ridiculous tension in Haskovo Municipality. For one person to say that he has caused one or another thing from the central administration, it is insulting to our team, at the very least, that GERB has two more MPs from Haskovo. The way Dobrev reacted to the contests showed that his real goal was to frame and lead the municipality of Haskovo, and I was only a figure – the facade behind which someone else arranges the events, without even being able to stop the illegal appointments. This is insulting.

Recent media appearances show that attempts to smear me discredit the management of GERB. Of course, there are pressing problems in the city, solutions are being sought, processes have been started, good things are happening. I count on the support of the central government and the wisdom of Prime Minister Borissov. I have the strength and the will to complete my mandate in the name of the good for Haskovo and my fellow citizens. I aim for efficiency, transparency and legality – principles that I have followed throughout my life and which I would not violate.

Will actions of instilling antagonism help to establish the principles and authority of GERB? Is all this in favor of the citizens who voted for us? Let reason prevail so that we can focus on solving the important and painful problems in Haskovo and our country.

With respect,

Good Belivanov

Mayor of Haskovo Municipality”

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