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The mayor of Aguililla, Michoacán is assassinated

César Arturo Valencia Caballero, mayor of Aguililla, in the state of Michoacán, was assassinated this Thursday, the state governor, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, and municipal officials confirmed.

On Twitter, Ramírez Bedolla stated that he had ordered an investigation so that the murder could be clarified “as soon as possible.”

Reports indicate that the mayor was aboard his truck, outside the soccer field of the municipal seat, when a man shot at him.

Hours earlier, Valencia, from the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), held a meeting at the municipal presidency with officials from the federal government.

“We are going to ask the federal and state governments very emphatically to find those responsible soon. We are dismayed,” said Ernesto Núñez Aguilar, leader of the PVEM in Michoacán.

Núñez Aguilar sent his condolences to the Valencia family.

“He wanted to do things right for his municipality; He constantly made arrangements, he saw how to bring benefits to his people and it is very unfortunate that today we learned of this news, “he added.

The parish priest of Aguililla, Gilberto Vergara García, sent a message from the place where the municipal president was assassinated.

“I am here next to the body of César. It is a truly unfortunate event. He came in a presidential vehicle, he came alone and apparently they detained him, surely armed people, to talk with him and they shot him, “he said.

The press area of ​​the state prosecutor’s office indicated that its staff is heading to the scene.

In January, Michoacán was the second entity in the country with the most intentional homicides. The state registered 234 murders, only below the 246 of Guanajuatoaccording to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP).

Read more: Army enters towns and roads of Aguililla, Michoacán, in the face of violence

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