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the mayor Nicolas Florian assigned in the interim to have solicited proxies

In Bordeaux, between the two towers takes a turn to the judiciary. The candidate ecologist at the municipal election, Peter Hurmic, was thus assigned to the court of his rival, the outgoing mayor Nicolas Florian (The Republicans, LR), to which he has accused of soliciting the proxies of voters.

Stone Hurmic, came second in mid-march behind the candidate LR, asks the court to prohibit “without delay “ Nicolas Florian “any communication maintaining the confusionbetween his quality of mayor and that of a candidate “reports the campaign team of the opponent ecologist in a press release.

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With this interim (emergency procedure) that needs to be discussed on Monday 22 June to 14 hours in court, the tension is rising a notch between the two rivals, a distance of 96 small votes in the first round.

The campaign team of Nicolas Florian has denounced in a press release “the ultimate trial of intent “ a few days before the second round, on 28 June. “Master Hurmic is looking to play the election in a Court of law : it confuses voting booth and floor “accuse-t-it to the place of the ecologist, a lawyer by profession.

A mix of genres

Stone Hurmic complains that the candidate LR, now allied to The Republic in motion (LRM), of allegedly improperly solicited proxies in “mailings “ sent to Bordeaux, showing, in particular, according to him, a header graphic, like the logo of the City.

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“Nicolas Florian is, in fact, addressed to the electors of bordeaux, in his capacity of mayor (…) anxious to ensure the best sanitary conditions of the election, while seeking, in addition, contact has been made with his team in order to obtain proxies in favor of the candidate Florian “denounces the team of Peter Hurmic.

“It is my duty as mayor to ensure this [aux mesures sanitaires] justifies the mayor in one of these e-mails in dispute, and in which there is a button to request a power of attorney “to vote for Nicolas Florian “. “Perfectly legal “, provides his camp. But for the supporters of Hurmic, this mixture of“institutional “ and “propaganda electoral (…) is a maneuver likely to affect the sincerity of the vote “.

“We don’t know who is speaking, the mayor or the candidate, it misleads the person who receives it , commented to the Agence France-presse (AFP) Nicolas Mannant, campaign manager for Stone Hurmic.

His relatives say they have received reports of Bordeaux, denounced the misuse of their personal data. The camp Florian replied that the campaign file complies with the RGPD (general Regulation on data protection), without “no porosity “ with files municipal.

The World with AFP

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