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The May 26 Super Blood Moon Eclipse Can Be Watched in Indonesia

TEMPO.CO, JakartaMoon eclipse The total will occur on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. This event can be witnessed in Indonesian territory, although not in its entirety. “It is nicknamed ‘super blood moon’ because it coincides with the supermoon,” said astronomy activist Avivah Yamani, Wednesday, May 5, 2021.

According to astronomy activists from the Langit Selatan community in Bandung, the eclipse occurs when the moon is full or full and the distance is classified as being the closest to Earth (perigee). Total lunar eclipse May 26 will be the opening eclipse for the 2021 eclipse season.

This year will appear four times eclipse, namely two lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses. From the langitselatan.com page, observers in Indonesia have the opportunity to witness both eclipses, namely a total lunar eclipse in May and a partial lunar eclipse in November 2021. “Unfortunately, this year’s solar eclipse has not crossed Indonesia’s territory,” said Avivah.

The total lunar eclipse of May 26 could be witnessed by observers in East Asia, Australia, the Pacific and America. Observers in Indonesia can witness what happens after sunset. The lunar eclipse process has started at 15.47 WIB. “So when the sun sets, the moon rises in a partial eclipse condition,” he said.

The process of a total lunar eclipse in Indonesia starts at 18:11:25 WIB until 18:25:55 WIB. The peak is at 18:19:52 WIB. After the total eclipse ends, it still continues with a partial lunar eclipse which ends at 18:52:22 WIB.

On the eclipse of May 26, the moon will reach its full moon phase at 18.14 WIB. Meanwhile, about 9 hours earlier or at 08:51 WIB, the Moon reached the closest distance to Earth, which is 357,311 km. That means that at the full moon, the Moon is still at the closest distance to Earth. This event is known as a supermoon or super moon or more precisely the punama perigee month.

Because it is at the closest distance from Earth, the appearance of the lunar disc is about 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than when the Moon is at the farthest point or apogee. However, for an observer on Earth, this difference is so small that it is difficult to recognize.

On the same day, the Earth is aligned between the Moon and the Sun. This configuration causes the Earth to block sunlight from the Moon’s surface.

Every full moon, the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. “However, a lunar eclipse does not occur every time the Moon reaches the full moon phase,” he explained. The reason is because the star’s orbit is tilted about 5 degrees compared to Earth’s orbit. As a result, there are times when the Moon does not always enter the Earth’s shadow, which causes the Sun to be blocked.

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