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The mass graves left after the withdrawal of Russian troops were discovered in the forests near Izyum

Mass graves, presumably of civilians and military personnel, were found in the forests near Izyum (Kharkiv region). Available to Present Time were photographs of burials, which Ukrainian journalists handed over to the editorial office.

The photographs show graves that remained after the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory that had been under their occupation for several months.

Some tombs have garlands. On the crosses erected above the burial places are visible the inscriptions: “APU, 17 people, from the morgue”, “345”, “412”. Oleg Kotenko, commissioner for missing persons, confirmed the authenticity of the photographs.

In turn, today adviser to the head of the Defense Ministry Alexei Kopytko declaredthat “the destruction inflicted by the occupiers in Izyum is comparable in scale to the destruction of several Borodyanka and, in terms of the number of victims, at least with two Holes in the Kiev region”.

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According to Kopytko, Russian troops “fired more missiles on Izyum than on Mariupol, although the population of Izyum was about 10 times smaller”. “There are multi-storey residential buildings on which bombs have been deliberately dropped. Entire arcades have formed. Dozens of dead. As our soldiers move a little further east of the front, much work remains to be done to repair and investigate. these crimes, “he stressed.

Earlier, Izyum city council deputy Maxim Strelnikov reported the deaths of at least a thousand civilians in Izyum. “According to the information we have, at least a thousand local citizens died as a result of the hostilities. But, unfortunately, even more people suffered because they could not receive medical treatment in time. The Russian invaders destroyed all medical facilities in Izyum in March, “the vice president said.

In my country stuck

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