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The Masked Singer 2023: Who is the Walrus? Clues and Theories

Are you curious who else is participating? We also examine the other figures.

Also read: Don’t miss anything about The Masked Singer 2023

Hints and clues about the Walrus

When you see the Walrus suit, some names will probably come to mind. We think of folk singers as Peter Beense in Django Wagner, which would fit perfectly in this suit in terms of length and width. However, it could also be that we are being fooled and this is a matter of fattening up.

What we know about this special character is that he has an Amsterdam accent and is a huge glutton. He doesn’t eat anything with ‘long teeth’. Furthermore, his life revolves around music in all genres and sizes and the first video contains hints towards: the radio, boxing and the beach. Could that last one be a hint? Expedition Robinson?

Confirmed hints

When asked whether this person is into ‘boxing’, the Walrus responds that he is into all kinds of sports and therefore ‘not specifically into boxing’.

©William Rutten / Rob Jacobs

The Masked Singer 2023 – aflevering 1

Wie is de Walrus in The Masked Singer 2023?

We can now tell you in detail who is hiding behind the mysterious suits, but let’s be honest: we have no idea either. Viewers on Twitter go for names like Rico Verhoeven, Remy Bonjasky, Peter Gillis and Jody Bernal.

The Masked Singer can be seen every Friday from 8:00 PM on RTL4. You can watch it again via Videoland

2023-11-10 20:25:37
#hiding #Walrus #suit #Masked #Singer

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