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Practical and intuitive, the image wall has been on the rise with the public for several years. This is a state-of-the-art technology that continuously broadcasts images or digital content of incomparable quality. Advantages, properties, innovations…
Here is a complete user manual on this marvel of technology signed Pekason!
Image wall, the renewal of a technology
What would an advertising campaign, a pitch or a product launch be without a good commercial strategy? Introduced on the market of new technologies for a few years, the image wall of the Frenchman Pekason has become an essential ally in this race for popularity and profit.
A game-changing display assembly
In recent years, major retailers and brands have no longer hesitated to promote their products and services on the big screen. Thus distributed, they are accessible to the public and visible at a glance.
What is the video wall and how to explain its growing popularity with companies? Its creators tend to define it as an assembly LCD or LED screens generally used for the visual communication of a brand.
The particularity of this high-end device? Each part that composes it broadcasts a piece of the image or video, which gives an impressive result of realism. The audio rendering of this colossal screen almost crosses the sound barrier and offers total immersion to the audience captivated by the play of light.
A variety of applications
The image wall has become essential in certain airports or hotel establishments, because it allows a message to be transmitted and to impact all types of audience. It is also perfect for carrying out a advertising campaign large-scale and convince investors.
The image walls unfold to hold the attention of the public coming to follow a conference in a congress hall. A football and basketball match does not have the same flavor without this essential assembly of screens!
All you have to do is raise your head to find yourself face to face with the product or service promoted by a company. An essential marketing strategy that attracts a lot of prospects and customers!
The innovations implemented by the giant Pekason
Leader in the video wall market, the Pekason brand does not hesitate to innovate in this product of choice. Their latest find? A change in technology that will delight more than one!
The classic image wall made up of several LCD tiles leaves the reins to a wall without an LED edge. The images are broadcast with impeccable and inimitable sharpness. They thus ensure the success of the video strategy of a company or a brand.
Likewise, images and video footage are sharper and more visible without the bulky edges or ultra-thin borders that are thin in name only. There image resolution of this unique giant screen is superior to that of its congeners. The sound also resonates between the four walls of a room for a successful immersion.
A perfect screen wall to promote a brand or a product
Promote a product or startup lancer is even easier thanks to the essential image wall. It improves brand awareness and increases company sales and revenue without inconveniencing customers. This assembly of LED and LCD screens also displays the product without complex and can broadcast essential information on the sides.
He serves as a support to the marketing team to improve company awareness and customer engagement with the brand. Expert advice? Concoct an attractive advertisement with strong colors and special effects to bring the crowds together (ici)! Without forgetting, of course, the little catchy and popular music to cheer up passers-by.
It is also possible to opt for immersive, interactive and original to stand out from the competition! The possibilities are endless with this marvel of advanced technology from Pekason!
The video wall is ideal for digital signage and a company’s presence in the digital world. Why not test this giant screen and form your own opinion on the suggestion?
Touchscreen or non-touchscreen?
Why not opt for a Pekason image wall for a unique rendering of its advertisements and an enhancement of its products and services?
The products of the brand with the colored logo are available in version tactile ou non tactile. Similarly, it is possible to choose a custom configuration of this high definition screen assembly for its product.
A unique rendering for the client
Video walls are not only appreciated for their outstanding image resolution and their multiple functionalities. These digital masterpieces also adapt quickly to the demands of their owners.
Under the leadership of a fine team of screen professionals, the video wall is assembled piece by piece down to the smallest detail. The size, the final rendering, the installation timeimpermeability, image resolution and customer expectations are taken into account to achieve a goal or sign a sales contract.
The video wall is the giant indoor screen par excellence. Available in LCD screen and LED walls, it makes the most of each of these screens for an incredible result.
The image wall is the accessory to install urgently in your showroom to highlight your brand and make it unique!
A practical marketing tool for businesses
A real showcase for a brand or company, the image wall diffuses a message in pictures and music remotely. It also owes its popularity to its practicality and relatively simple use.
Customers who wish can hire professionals to install this crystallization of screens and manipulate it remotely.
Likewise, this giant screen can easily be updated and modified for future advertising campaigns or successful pitches. In addition, it is energy efficient and guaranteed safe.
The prix can cause eyebrows to rise or teeth to cringe. However, the high definition video wall is a profitable investment, in many ways!

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2023-07-09 17:50:10
#technologies #invest #Pekason #video #wall