Home » today » Entertainment » The Marseillais vs the rest of the World 5: An emblematic candidate of the Angels and La Villa 4 for the casting? This video sows doubt

The Marseillais vs the rest of the World 5: An emblematic candidate of the Angels and La Villa 4 for the casting? This video sows doubt

An ex of Paga announced in the casting of Marseillais vs the rest of the World 5, his identity revealed. And another iconic TV candidate could also participate in this adventure by being in the team of the rest of the World … She participated in La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 4 and in Angels 11 where her participation was very noticed! Lately, she was on the set of Apprentis Aventuriers 5 … You will understand, this is Beverly! On her Snapchat account, the pretty blonde has just hinted that she was going to participate in the shooting of Marseillais vs the rest of the World 5 and below, you will understand how.

“I’m looking forward to Monday ❤️❤️❤️”, wrote Beverly on the social network with the yellow and white logo. And as you know, it is in two days that the shooting of the Marseillais vs the rest of the World 5 will start. A shooting that will exceptionally take place in France, in the Cannes sector. And like Beverly was part of the Apprentis Aventuriers 5 whose adventure was canceled because of the Coronavirus, we suppose that it will be very present for the cross. In any case at the writing of melty, we hope! In a completely different register, know that Rym is jealous and she watches Vincent Queijo in secret.


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