Home » today » News » The markets of Madrid will be able to reopen from Monday, although the Rastro will have to wait | Madrid

The markets of Madrid will be able to reopen from Monday, although the Rastro will have to wait | Madrid

Monday 25 is the date on which the 26 markets of the city of Madrid can restart their activity, after two and a half months without doing so due to the coronavirus crisis, as announced by the City Council in a statement. To do this, they will need authorization from the district boards in which they are located. El Rastro is not part of this measure and will remain closed with no date announced for its reopening.

To comply with sanitary measures, only 25% of the stalls may be installed, taking preference for food and basic necessities. And, as in many other services, the capacity allowed cannot exceed one third of its capacity, to avoid crowds.

The posts must keep a minimum distance of two meters with those next to them and six meters with those in front of them. Sellers must prioritize card payment and check that there is no direct handling of food, there will only be a single itinerary and there will be correct signaling for entry and exit.

https://elpais.com/espana/madrid/2020-05-18/que-podemos-y-que-no-podemos-hacer-en-el-madrid-de-la-fase-0-con-alivios. html

In addition to all these measures, each district councilor will issue a resolution determining the particular conditions of reopening and operation of each of the markets in their districts. El Rastro is not included in these markets as it is the responsibility of the Centro district board. Sources from the Board of the Center have indicated to Efe that for the Rastro, whose shopkeepers have not been paying the corresponding fees since the start of the state of alarm, there is not yet a date to restart their activity, and they point to the difficulty in controlling the capacity and to decide which positions could open at startup and which not.

“These measures imply, on the one hand, our firm commitment to the street vendor trade that is a core part of the economic activity of the city and, on the other, the will that its reopening be done with the maximum guarantees of safety and health for the people of Madrid ”, explains the head of the Delegated Area for Territorial Coordination, Transparency and Citizen Participation, Silvia Saavedra.

Information about the coronavirus:

– Here you can follow the last hour on the evolution of the pandemic

– This is how the coronavirus curve evolves in Spain and in each autonomy

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– In case of symptoms, these are the phones that have been enabled in each community

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