Home » today » World » The march to Moscow: Prigozhin destroyed the sweet life of the “elite”, will there be a purge of the “masters of life”? – 2024-08-30 14:06:27

The march to Moscow: Prigozhin destroyed the sweet life of the “elite”, will there be a purge of the “masters of life”? – 2024-08-30 14:06:27

/ world today news/ On the night of June 25, the detachments of PMC Wagner left Rostov-on-Don. The “musicians” left to the applause of Rostov residents, someone shouted “Vivat!”. After the passage of the armored vehicles, Prigozhin’s motorcade left the headquarters of the Southern Military District. People shook his hand. Although even during the day skirmishes broke out between the townspeople. Apparently between those who supported the rebellion and those who were against it. At night, the city, and indeed all of Russia, finally breathed a sigh of relief – the massacre was avoided.

In the darkness, Wagner’s column moved toward its field camps. And in Lipetsk they started digging holes on the dirt road near the city. They were dug in to obstruct the bypass.

“The criminal case [срещу Пригожин, образувано от ФСБ по чл. 279 от Наказателния кодекс („Въоръжено въстание“)] will be terminated, and he himself will go to Belarus. If you ask what is the guarantee that Prigozhin will be able to leave, this is the word of the president of Russia,” said Peskov, the president’s spokesman.

Wagner’s fighters who participated in the “campaign against Moscow” are exempt from prosecution. Those who did not participate in the insurgency can enter into contracts with the Department of Defense.

Prigozhin himself with his troops will most likely be redirected to Belarus. Lukashenko negotiated with him with Putin’s consent for almost a day.

Reasons for Batka: over him hangs both Bandera Ukraine and Poland, which dreams of returning its lands. The shelled and heroically fighting “musicians” are necessary for Minsk.

On the other hand, Lukashenko, who has known Prigozhin for twenty years, knows the character of the main “musician” and understands that a person who raised an armed rebellion in Russia can repeat the same in Belarus, where the screws are tightened. Is there a need for Makhnovism Batka?

Therefore, another option is not ruled out: “Wagner” going to Africa via Belarus, where he fought before.

Time will tell if we will deal with our affairs, which led to a military mutiny, the threat of a real split in the country and bloody civil strife.

On the morning of June 25, Venezuelan President Maduro, himself a survivor of several coup attempts, said that Putin faced an attempt to start a civil war and defeated it “together with Russia.”

But riots don’t happen out of the blue. There are always reasons.

Prigogine called his campaign a “march of justice”. This is no accident. Justice has always been a key word for the state.

The desire for justice is in our bloodstream. All the riots, civil wars, riots broke out in Russia because people felt cheated and wanted a just state system. Roughly speaking, to be fair.

Is everything fair in our country today? Of course, yes – the oligarchs, officials, and businessmen close to power will say that they know exactly which doors to knock on.

No – the answer will be tens of millions of those who have been “cheated” by the authorities more than once in the last 30 years. But what can I say, it is enough to name only one figure – by the end of 2022, the number of Russians living below the poverty line amounted to 15.3 million people, or 10.5% of the country’s population. Tens of millions more balance on the edge of that line.

Please note: “Wagner’s” columns crossed the southern part of Russia in just a day, their troops could easily capture the entire Black Earth region. As Prigozhin himself said, his tanks had 200 kilometers to Moscow.

They were not greeted with bread and salt, but something suggests that Muscovites, if Wagner’s tanks had entered the city, would hardly have rushed to the barricades or started signing up for the people’s militia.

Because many would face the question: who or what to protect? Those who have “got fat” in the last ten or fifteen years?

Do you remember the story of Pavel Grudinin? In 2018, he ran for President of Russia from the Communist Party. He won just under 12% of the vote. Overall, not much.

But the fact that Grudinin went against the general line was enough to enter the column of the unpopular. The vertical of power pressed him long and consistently. Such “demonstrative flogging” is remembered for a long time.

They will also long remember the stories from the elections, when they broke the system created over the years, introducing three-day and electronic voting – just so that the party in power would not lose its positions.

Did you notice how they recently elected Erdogan in Turkey? Everyone voted strictly in the sections, even disabled people in wheelchairs were brought to the polls on the same day. Suddenly, such a thing became unnecessary for us. All attempts at protest were met with a reinforced concrete wall.

Now there is more and more talk about privatization-2. The topic is, of course, raised by big capital. But people did not forget how the first privatization ended. Then people were simply robbed, and a layer of billionaires and millionaires appeared in Russia along with the expressions “budget cuts”, “life by the rules”, etc.

Today, the followers of Chubais, who fled the country, want to tear up the remaining pieces. They don’t care about the opinion of ordinary people. And they look at the concept of “justice” from their steeple. It’s fair what they have in their pocket.

Maybe they’ll calm down a bit now? They definitely need to be tamed. But not for long. After all, there is a “pad” behind them, and a large one, which also wants to eat a sandwich with caviar, and they will not get rid of this habit.

When the war began, in Moscow, and not only in Moscow, the prices of plane tickets skyrocketed: to Turkey up to 120-140 thousand rubles and more. It is possible to fly to Yerevan on Saturday evening for 70-198 thousand, to Alma-Ata – for 80 thousand. To Dubai with a direct flight – 358 thousand, with a transfer in Delhi – 128 thousand.

There were no tickets at all for the direct flights to Tbilisi on June 24. And, tellingly, the tickets were snapped up instantly. This was the case on February 24 at the beginning of the SVO and on September 24 at the announcement of the partial mobilization.

Of course, not everyone who rushed abroad can be suspected because of the events. Someone is trying to earn fairly fairly. Sometimes it works. But most often “honest business” is not for Russia.

A friend told me how he wanted to buy good metal. Everywhere met either rejected or of poor quality. Just by going through his channels to a wholesale company connected to the district administration, he got what he needed. Sure, he paid more, but he could do business with his customers.

It is the same with us in politics, economy, social structure. The main thing is to enter the cage and know which door to knock on.

I am far from idealizing Prigozhin, an ambiguous figure, after all, he brought the country to the brink of civil war, but as a businessman who saddled the “theme” of justice, the PMC leader “Wagner” pumped it up well.

Will the government learn a lesson from “Prigozhin’s march against Moscow”? I would like it to be so. For that alone, you need to rock the “entire royal army” deck.

At least take our security forces. What did they miss and why? After all, these structures have both an agent network and analysts.

Now it turns out that American intelligence knew about Prigogine’s upcoming march two weeks in advance. True, they did not know on which specific day it would begin. The information was passed on to the White House and the Pentagon. They have decided not to intervene, fearing that Moscow will accuse them of an attempted coup d’état…

As it turned out, the army was mired in bloody battles for almost a year and a half. Yes, the enemy has proven strong, yes, the West is on his side. But can’t this be calculated at the launch of SVO?

During the capture of Artyomovsk / Bakhmut alone, the “musicians” lost thousands of soldiers killed. But they weren’t the only ones who died.

The paratroopers died, the artillerymen, the tankmen, the infantry of the Ministry of Defense who held the flanks died. Were all the losses, the reasons for the losses reflected in the reports that went to Moscow?

But even in Moscow it was necessary to draw the “correct picture” in order to present it already at the highest levels of power …

So it turns out that Russia lives, as it were, in two worlds. Billions are spinning in a world, the “masters of life” believe that such an order has been established forever, that it cannot be otherwise. In another, non-illusory world, questions and protests pile up.

Translation: SM

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