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The march of undocumented migrants leaves Grenoble for the Élysée

IN BRIEF – This Tuesday, September 29 in the morning, a group of undocumented migrants and their supporters will set off at 7 a.m. for a walk to Paris from Grenoble station. Their demands? Papers and housing for all to live with dignity.

Members of the collective of Sans-papiers 38 (CSP38) who participate in the national march September 2020 © Séverine Cattiaux - Place Gre'net

Members of the collective of sans-papiers 38 (CSP38) participating in the national march, September 2020 © Séverine Cattiaux – Place Gre’net

Regularization of undocumented migrants, housing for all and closure of administrative detention centers. These are the three demands of the sans-papiers who have decided to let the government know, once again, by walking to the Elysee Palace.

And this from several cities in France. Because it is among others from Grenoble, Marseille, Strasbourg, Avignon, Le Havre, Lyon, Lille, Rennes that different groups of walkers will leave, at a few days intervals, depending on the distance that separates them from Paris. In sight, the big demonstration planned in Paris, on October 17. Before this high point, Grenoble walkers will take part in the Lyon event on October 3.

“The prefecture uses the Covid-19 pretext to ignore us completely”

« Operated in the worst of conditions », « living on the streets or in often precarious and unhealthy accommodation », As affirmed the activists of the various associations organizing this march, undocumented migrants aspire ” to be treated like human beings ».

Some Grenoble activists and co-organizers with the collective of Sans-Papiers 38 (CSP38) of the national march of the sans-papiers, September 2020 © Séverine Cattiaux - Place Gre'net

Grenoble activists and co-organizers with the collective of Sans-papiers 38 (CSP38) of the national march of the sans-papiers, September 2020 © Séverine Cattiaux – Place Gre’net

However, all note that their living conditions have gone from bad to worse in recent months. In April, the Defender of Rights therefore recommended that the public authorities close all administrative detention centers in view of the health risks they caused to the detainees.

« The prefecture uses Covid-19 as a pretext to ignore us completely », Testifies an activist, disgusted. Hence the various attempts by undocumented migrants and activists to challenge the State and raise public awareness, via events aimed at making an impression.

Thus, on May 30, undocumented migrants defied the ban on demonstrating in several cities in France. Rebelote on June 20, where they were tens of thousands to gather with their supporters all over France. In Grenoble, young foreign adults had for their part invested the local campaign of Eric Piolle.

For eight years in Grenoble, Oussama, motivated, will participate in the march. ” We are asking for our rights to live normally ”, he explains, weary of his situation. ” I work from time to time but the bosses take advantage of it. »

“It is the state that puts people in an illegal situation”

National march of undocumented migrants to the Elysée Palace, September 2020 © Séverine Cattiaux - Place Gre'net

© Séverine Cattiaux – Place Gre’net

The ball is in the government’s court, says Séréna, a volunteer with the Modus operandi association. « It is the State which puts people in an illegal situation, which produces irregularity and precariousness ”, she judges.

Participants, activists and supporters of undocumented migrants thus wish that this march constitutes the ” act 3 Of their mobilization, capable of triggering a change of course. Waiting, a collection is organized to financially support the walkers.

Severine Cattiaux

1 The collective of undocumented migrants 38 (CSP38), the Education Without Borders Network 38 (RESF38), the Universities Without Borders Network 38 (RUSF38), Modus operandi, the Isère Coordination of Solidarity with Migrant Foreigners (Cisem).

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