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The Managing Director of Bio Farma says that the mutual vaccination capacity can reach 4 million per month

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – President Director Bio Farma Honesti Basyir said that the mutual assistance vaccination program capacity could reach 3 to 4 million per month.

That is with the record, if as many as 806 health service facilities (faskes) in Indonesia can be utilized and optimized.

“Well, if we can optimize all of this, this is also very helpful from the potential speed of vaccination where if it is assumed that one vaccinator can do 75-100 vaccinations a day, maybe a month from this mutual vaccination we can carry out around 3-4 million vaccinations. per month, “said Honesti in the DPR Commission VI hearing (RDP), Monday (29/3/2021).

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He explained that the 806 health facilities that were ready consisted of 65 health facilities belonging to the Bio Farma network, 504 belonging to Kimia Farma, and 237 health facilities owned by the private sector.

Meanwhile, Honesti also said that his party is currently negotiating with two vaccine development companies, namely Sinopharm and Modern.

“From our discussion with them, our plan is to include around 15 million doses of Sinopharm until Q2 of 2021. Now we are finalizing the negotiations with Sinopharm and also the process to get it. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from BPOM, “he explained.

Meanwhile, Sinopharm comes from a Chinese company and Moderna from the United States.

For the Moderna vaccine brand, Honesti explained, it is different from Sinopharm because it uses the new MRNa platform.

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In addition, there are special specifications from the cold chain or storage area with a temperature of -20 degrees Celsius to maintain the quality of the vaccine.

“We also plan to include about 5.2 million doses of vaccine modern this and will start in Q3 of 2021. Now we are also in the process of discussing with them, “he explained.

Furthermore, he explained that the Moderna vaccine is the same as other vaccines, which requires two doses, with an interval between the first and second injection of vaccine 28 days.

Not only that, Honesti also admitted that his party had prepared a distribution system for independent vaccines.

“In this case, we have also developed an integrated system, starting from the vaccine production process itself, to the vaccination program that is given to the public,” he said.

It is known, until now the government is still running a free vaccination program with the vaccine brand used, namely the Sinovac vaccine from China.

Also read: Mutual Cooperation Vaccination, Bio Farma Will Bring 20.2 Million Sinopharm and Moderna Vaccines

Meanwhile, Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that Covax-GAVI as the provider of the AstraZeneca vaccine for Indonesia decided to postpone the delivery of the vaccine to the country.

The delay in question targets twice the planned delivery of vaccines in March and April 2021 or the second and third batches.

The community groups that have been vaccinated until now include health workers, public officials and the elderly. They are the target of the second phase of the vaccination program.

Until this second stage, the government has targeted 40,349,051 people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

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